Winter Solstice, the Sun-God’s Birthday is today — at 6:03 p.m. Eastern Time to be precise.

Here’s a photograph of the Egyptian Temple of Karnak in Luxor, Egypt where for 6000 years people have gathered on this day to watch the sun rise on Winter Solstice. Even though it’s a Muslim country, people still gathered there in southern Egypt this morning. It’s an awesome sight to see all the people standing there. Probably Moses attended this sunrise service once upon a time.
The Reason for the Season, some people call today, the Winter Solstice, because it’s when the Light of the World returns, marked by several ancient religions, including the one we know most, Christianity. You may wish to check out our information on this Judeo-Christian-Pagan holiday and observances on our Esoteric Kristmas Holiday page.
The article where I found the photo explains the Winter Solstice perfectly, why the sun stands still on this day, etc.