Told In Memory of Magdalene, Day of His Anointing

The Wednesday of Holy Week is possibly the day Magdalene anointed Jesus with the oil of kings contained in an alabaster jar. To be called Messiah, a word meaning “anointed one”, Jesus had to be anointed at some point in his ministry. The rites of Sacred Marriage known throughout the ancient near east also required an anointing to establish sacred kingship. A priestess representing the holy bride would do the anointing of the sacred king, he would die and then be resurrected 3 days later as a symbol of bringing life (the life of Spring) back to the “dead” earth. The Biblical evidence points to Jesus / Yeshua and Magdalene as having carried out this ancient rite of Sacred Marriage, including the public anointing of the Messiah and King of Kings. says “The anointing by Mary took place in the last week before Jesus’ death (Jn 12:1, Mt 26:1-2, Mk 14:1), and Jesus said the anointing was for his burial.”

Yeshua then prophesied that Magdalene’s anointing of him did was such a significant gesture it would be told in memory of her for all time. His exact words were: “She poured perfume on my body beforehand to prepare for my burial. I tell you the truth, wherever the gospel is preached throughout the world, what she has done will also be told, in memory of her.” (Mark 14:9).

On Holy Thursday at the “last supper” Jesus told his students and family to “do this in memory of me,” meaning break bread and drink wine. Interesting the remembrances — both of them sacraments? — that Jesus established.

Our Order of Mary Magdala observes the Wednesday before Good Friday as the day of anointing. There is no proof that it happened on that day, but it is quite possible.

View our esoteric observances of Easter Week.