Esoteric vs Exoteric Christianity comparison table

The above link leads to a one-page table showing the comparison between Esoteric & Exoteric Christianity. Here’s what it says about reincarnation.  I agree somewhat except I don’t believe Jesus needed to reincarnate several times in order to perfect himself or whatever.
“Belief in reincarnation is accepted (not required) since the arduous path of initiation from human to God-hood would take more than one life-time. It is thought that Jesus likely reincarnated many times to be able to hold the Christ energy, and thus become Jesus, the Christ.”
Read all the comparisons.  What do you think?  

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Katia is a consecrated independent sacramental bishop. She directs the online Esoteric Mystery School and Interfaith Theological Seminary. Check it out at

4 thoughts on “Esoteric vs Exoteric Christianity comparison table”

  1. in the New Testament there is no mention of reincarnation, but it is taught in the QBL and many of the western traditions, I feel that death is not 1. the final answer or 2. the end of our progress. There is so much to learn that it requires many lifetimes to master. Yet, i feel that we only get one life on this plane of existance. Our ongoing teaching and learning will continue as we move onto other planes of existance – forever trying to cross that elusive abyss.

  2. Well, being closer to what this article would describe as an exoteric Christian, I would have a=to agree with Aaron and say I see no mention of reincarnation in the New Testament nor in the teaching of Jesus we find therein.

    As a broader comment on the article though, I think it’s a wee bit too stereotyped. Firstly, whilst “exoteric”, I would put more emphasis on the resurrection than the crucifixion (whist undrstanding that there is no resurrection without crucifixion) and I think that comment on dogma seems way to “Catholic” when there’s a lot more to exotericism (or what I would call “orthodoxy”) than just Catholicism. I also practice meditation without being a monk. Finally, Charasmatics are fanatical about the “indwelling spirit of God”, yet they are otherwise what this would call exoteric, so how does that work? I think these dualistic comparisons break down if scrutinised too closely.

  3. On this account, I am strongly esoteric, with the caveat that I do not claim to know the true nature of the unity between between Jesus and the Christ, but consider the doctrine that the Christ descended to Jesus at his baptism is distinctly possible.

  4. Actually, I should expand on my earlier comment. What I find problematic about esoteric Christianity versus exoteric Christianity discussions is that the word ‘esoteric’ is so ill defined. I mean, consider gnostic Christianity vsersus mystic Christianity. Using the criteria you listed I would be inclined to label mystic Christianity as exoteric Christianity. But given the strong inner leanings of mystic Christianity that seems rediculous.

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