Listen to this Mary Magdalene Joan Norton Interview!

Just listened to this short but awesome interview of our dear friend Joan Norton, author of The Mary Magdalene Within, on the radio the other day on Magdalene’s feastday… you gotta hear it…  I love the way Joan so lucidly relates the truth, the hidden truth, of Our First Lady of Christianity.

The Maria Sanchez Show KVTA July 22 Joan Norton


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Katia is a consecrated independent sacramental bishop. She directs the online Esoteric Mystery School and Interfaith Theological Seminary. Check it out at

3 thoughts on “Listen to this Mary Magdalene Joan Norton Interview!”

  1. Hi, Katia!

    Thanks for the link to the interview with Joan.

    Yes, I, too, love Joan’s way of talking about Mary Magdalene as “Our First Lady” of Christianity.” I also love her way of talking about how the “male-centered energies” were dominant during the time that Mary Magdalene was demoted. Certainly, individual persons, and probably mostly males, made the decisions that caused Mary Magdalene’s role to be eclipsed, but Joan’s way of talking about the dominant energies is so enlightened and moves us out of the realm of blaming energies.

    I always feel at peace and experience the benevolence of the “balanced divine energies” when I read Joan’s work or hear her speak or listen to her meditations. For that I am deeply grateful.


  2. Hi, again, Katia!

    I just read Joan’s new blog on the new Magdalene Feast Day crop circle.

    Wow! So much living symbolism of the Div Fem in the twelve swallows, and Joan points it out so well.

    Here’s the crop circle website: [ cropcircleconnector dot com]

  3. I hope you haven’t given up on this blog – I am very interested in your posts. I was ordained (Lutheran) on St. Mary’s Feast Day (July 22nd) and have felt a close relationship to her ever since. I’m no longer a minister in the Lutheran church, but I am working on my Th.D with ETS.

    Please, keep writing!!!


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