First there is a time when we believe everything, then for a little while we believe with discrimination, then we believe nothing whatever, and then we believe everything again – and, moreover, give reasons why we believe.
-Â Georg Christoph Lichtenberg
Magdalene Play, was Magdalene Investors Needed!
Author Margaret Starbird writes:
Dear friends of Jesus and Mary Magdalene,
Happy 2011 to you all! Â This year will be an exciting one for the “Sacred Marriage” at the heart of the Christian foundation story.
At this url you can find updated information about the forthcoming [Mary Magdalene] musical by James Olm, based in part on my [book] Woman with the Alabaster Jar.
If you know anyone who might be interested in supporting the musical with a donation or as an investor, please pass this information on to them. I’d love to see the show get off the ground! The musical is due to open “off Broadway” in NYC in June of this new year, but the production is still in need of crucial funds in order to get up and running.
For those considering investing in the project, this information may be encouraging: The “story” of Mary Magdalene is set to receive renewed attention this spring due to the publication of a new book entitled “The Lost Gospel” and a documentary by Simcha Jacobivici (“The Naked Archaeologist on the History Channel”) scheduled for March 2011.
The co-author of the book is Dr. Barrie Wilson, a professor of Biblical Studies at the University of Toronto, who wrote me an email saying that I’m going to love what they found. Â By next summer, I expect the clerics and academics who attacked “The DaVInci Code” so brutally will have to take another look at the probability that Jesus and Mary Magdalene were married with children…. That should also help the promotion of “Magdalene” (the musical).
Here’s the website for the forthcoming book, The Lost Gospel, which supports my basic theories with hard evidence from the first-second century.
Here’s the amazon link to that book, which, when published, will be supported by a documentary on the history channel–which I hope will spark renewed interest in my pet theory. [Update 2013: the book is currently unavailable, but the documentary did get made]
I hope many of you will consider supporting the Magdalene musical! For more information about becoming an investor, please contact the playwright, James Olm, at this email address jolm at bresnan dot net. He appreciates every bit of help and encouragement he gets!
Wish you all a very healthy, happy and prosperous year!
Blessings of peace and light,
“Mary Magdalene, Bride in Exile”
+Katia adds:
I am going to contact the playwright and see what our Order of Mary Magdala can do to support the play. It looks sooo awesome! Check out the play’s photo gallery to see the evocative photos, including one of Jesus and Magdalene’s first kiss. There’s another one with a whole group of actors surrounding them as they encounter one another. The actors have the whole body language thing goin’ on — I want to SEE this play.
Wynn Manners’ Sophia Psalm 13
How it appears in the Bible…
Prayer for Deliverance from Enemies
Psalm 13
1 How long, O LORD? Wilt thou forget me
for ever? How long wilt thou hide thy face from me?
2 How long must I bear pain in my soul, and have sorrow in my heart all the day?
How long shall my enemy be exalted over me?
3 Consider and answer me, O LORD my God; lighten my eyes, lest I sleep the sleep
of death;
4 lest my enemy say, “I have prevailed over him”; lest my foes rejoice because I
am shaken.
5 But I have trusted in thy steadfast love; my heart shall rejoice in thy
6 I will sing to the LORD, because he has dealt bountifully with me.
[Ps 13,1-6]
A modern transformation of Psalm 13…
Psalm XIII.
Do not get bitter
and do not recriminate. It is not smart.
Whom can you compare yourself to anyway?
If you have sorrow do not hug it to you.
You will just be a closed door to Good things.
Whatever race you are trying to win,
let second place be as good as first.
Then first place is no better than second.
If you rely on first place all the time
you are going to be always angry.
Do not make an enemy of yourself.
Find a Good feeling.
~~Eric Ashford
Copyright November 11, 2003
And now the Divine Feminine version, “transformed” Dec 13, 2010 by poet Wynn Manners:
Sophia Psalm 13
My Heart Rejoices in Your Love
1. Ever You are near me, Beloved. Nowhere can i go where You are not near, for
i carry You in my heart as You clasp me close in Yours.
2. Each day i pay close attention to You, my awareness of this love deepens &
Your Presence becomes even more meaningful to me. i am breath of Your Breath,
life of Your Life, a unique seeing of Your Essence of Being, You Who are
manifest as All that IS.
3. There is no hiding Your Face from me. Thru *every* face i see You seeing
me! There is no hiding *from* You. Where can i flee when You are All that IS,
encompassing me?!
4. Whenever i see any as my “enemy” i have lost the freeflow of our deeper
5. How can i forget You when You are the first conscious breath of my
awakening? How can You forget me when You brought me forth, in love, *from*
Your Love?
6. When pain is upon me… physically… mentally/emotionally… it can only
draw me nearer to You… & i know, with the whole of my being, that *You* are
feeling it too… for i am a part of You, as You are the *all* of me & *more*.
7. My heart rejoices in Your steadfast love & sings its joy in the blessings of
Your bountifulness.
~~wynn manners
Wynn Manners writes: Â Anyone & everyone here is encouraged to rewrite this however you wish — so that
it speaks more meaningfully to *you*, relative to *your* relationship with
Goddess. And if you do so, feel free to share it *here* — since it will likely
speak more meaningfully to *others*, too.
Or — start with David’s Psalms, as i did, & if they speak as little to you as
they do to me (in largest part), see what *you* can do with them, rewriting them
to a Divine Feminine perspective.
i *don’t* read Eric’s transformations until after my own is written, since i
prefer not to be influenced by them, but include them because he certainly did
his version of this project long before i began a similar attempt, all these
years later… & i’m sure that his versions will speak more meaningfully to
several than do those first versions from about 2 & a half thousand years ago.
Transformations of some of the Biblical Psalms were done, a long time ago, in
the PISTIS SOPHIA, & are among Pistis Sophia’s Repentances.
i sometimes wonder if several of the Psalms in the Old Testament weren’t
similar-type transformations of even more ancient Egyptian hymns. i’ve
certainly noticed there’s no real difference in a lot of the sentiments being
expressed… & noted, a couple decades ago, that it would be *very* easy to turn
some of those ancient Egyptian hymns into Biblical Psalms just by altering the
Name(s) of the deity/deities & changing some of the uniquely Egyptian imagery to
Jewish imagery.
Dream Interpretation: Being chased, can’t get away
I’ve been experiencing nightmares since my early teens, even sometimes night terrors where I wake up swinging at the air or pillow and screaming. There’s always a common theme of someone or some group chasing me and I can’t get away. I panic and I feel out of control and very anxious. I do not take any medications and am a very healthy individual but wonder why the heck I am so anxious in my sleep? I would like to get this solved and sleep in peace. Any insight and help would be very much appreciated.
Thank you,
There is some issue in your past that you have still not gotten closure over, or not resolved. It keeps chasing you and you keep trying to get away from it. You are avoiding (out of fear) facing something, someone or some event from your past, probably dealing with your teen years since that’s when the dreams began. It could be earlier, in your childhood, however. The inability to get away in the nightmares may stem from a feeling of helplessness and uselessness in waking life. This nightmare may be triggered any time you feel useless or unable to resist something during the day. What are you avoiding facing? Anything? And what is making you feel out of control in your daily life? It could be something small or something buried in your past, but whenever you feel the slightest bit out of control it triggers this anxiety program in your mental computer. Up comes the program and starts its mission of seek and destroy. It destroys your calm sleep and your normally calm demeanor. There is something you’re not able to look at just yet, but very soon will be able to. Self-examine, observe, observe. You will find the unresolved issue and once you do, it will finally have to go away. Just identifying it “solves” it when it comes to nightmares. Another solution is to hold onto the nightmare after it wakes you up and try to go back into it while still awake. There you are, just woke up in a panic, but don’t turn on the lights, don’t open your eyes, don’t get out of bed. Instead go back, find those people that were chasing you…remember what they were like this time. See ’em? Look at them. Picture them stopping the chase and standing there behind you. Now turn yourself around (in your mind’s TV screen) and face them. Yes, look squarely at them and speak. Say, “Who are you and why are you following me?!” Now wait. Listen. See what the pursuers “answer” back in your self-guided dream replay. Usually some message will come forth, just see what pops into your head — what they “say” — after you ask that question. Demand an answer! If the dreams keep coming night after night and no luck with this post-dream replay method, you can conjure up the dream right before sleep. Then enact the scene described above. Turn, face, confront, demand an answer. For some people the before sleep method works better than the after-awakening from nightmare method. Try one or both — and let us know how it goes. Good luck, we’re here for ya.
Great feedback!! Thank you!!
When I was 12 my mom would let anyone come over and boys were allowed in my room alone. I had sex at 12 and was date raped at 13. I felt unprotected and so ashamed. I also grew up in a home with lots of yelling and my mom would “freak out” under almost any semi-stressful circumstance. You never knew when the next outburst would be. So that explains it more. So what do I need to face is a question I need to answer. To be haunted all these years, literally, is exhausting. I’m frightened to face the past, and my mom, for fear she’ll blow up!!! I would like to face this head on and not run anymore. Will try the staying asleep technique and do dream journals and see if there’s any success. I’ve been in therapy on different occasions over this issue with some success, but not full, and currently nightmares are very often. I have a 4 year old, 2 year old, and 9 month old and as you know with children, you can’t control anything. I get tense when I feel out of control and have to make a conscious effort to breathe, and just chill. I’ve had success in my daytime life with being “chill,” but have an uneasiness I carry around with me. When I’m around my mom I go on major “chill” mode but inside I want to scream!!! Any further advice would be appreciated. Thanks again!!
Anonymous, 30 years old, Calabasas, CA.
My twenty-odd Gospel of Thomas Commentaries
Our seminarians and I got talking about  different translations of the Gospel of Thomas (GoT). I realized I own about twenty different GoT’s. There are so many cool commentaries and several powerhouse translations-with-commentaries!  My faves are Tau Malachi, Jean-Yves Leloup, and Miller’s newish one. I have Elaine Pagel’s, the only GoT commentary by a woman, as far as I know. [UPDATE: Oops, forgot April DeConick’s GoT translation-and-commentary, see comments below…]
Here’s a list on Amazon of all the many Gospel of Thomas translations available. I own about every other one of these…<laugh>Â It has turned into a “collection”.
But you know a favorite I must mention doesn’t even have GoT in the title, yet is indeed Thomas with short pithy zen commentaries on each verse. ‘Tis a little hardback book, slightly bigger than pocket-size. I love it. Â It’s called Christian Zen: The Essential Teachings of Jesus Christ by [Sophiologist] Robert Powell.
Tips to Eliminate Nightmares
As many of you know, I worked as a dream interpreter for years and still co-write the column The Dream Zone for Sedona Magazine with my friend Dr. Lauri, “the dream lady”. This item came to my inbox today, 14 Tips for Getting Rid of Nightmares. It’s got the wisdom of the world tucked in between. The technique I used the most with my clients was number 10 — Not one of the ancient wisdom ones, but very effective. The author’s free ebook at the end looks good, too. — +Katia
14 TIPS FOR GETTING RID OF NIGHTMARES By Ryan Hurd Dream Studies September 2, 2010
Sometimes the only dreams we remember are the ones we wish we could forget.
Nightmares can be instructive, and most psychologists believe that they are
a healthy part of life. But if you are plagued by repetitive nightmares and
are losing sleep, sometimes changing your daily habits can reduce nightmare
frequency. In general, nightmares can be caused by insufficient sleep, poor
exercise and diet, and stress. The tips below all are aimed at cultivating a
healthier sleep and dream life, drawn from my ebook Enhance Your Dreamlife:
1. Don't go to sleep angry or stressed out. Give yourself time to cool down.
2. Regular sleep patterns = better dreams. Including weekends.
3. Don't eat right before bed. In particular, foods that take longer to
digest, like meats and cheeses, can increase nightmares.
4. Reduce alcohol and caffeine consumption.
5. Cultivate gratitude. If this doesn't come easy, do a "thankfulness"
exercise every day in which you list the aspects of your life that you are
thankful for.
6. Reduce exposure to violent images in the media, especially in the
evenings. Horror movies can cause lingering nightmares for years.
7. Spend time in nature as often as possible, even if this means sitting in
a city park for fifteen minutes every day. Many therapists believe that we
all suffer from "nature deficiency disorder."
8. Don't sleep on your back. This encourages a special kind of nightmare
known as sleep paralysis, in which you feel like you are awake and alert
while at the same time you cannot move. Sufferers also feel breathless
and/or sense an ³unknown presence² in the room.
9. Start a gentle body practice like yoga, walking, or tai chi. In general,
moderate exercise increases the quality of sleep.
10. If you have repetitive nightmares, role-play how you will face your
nightmare attackers next time.
11. Keep a dream journal. Often writing it out can dispel a lot of the
powerful emotionality.
12. Join a dream-sharing group. Many larger cities have them. If not, start
your own.
13. Give yourself some self-love and acceptance. Easy to suggest, but hard
to do. I use journaling to remind myself that I am loved. Affirmations --
while they can seem cheesy at first -- are effective as well. My backlog of
journals is essentially a history of pep-talks I've given myself over the
years and it still works.
14. Keep fresh flowers or aromatic oils in the bedroom. Research shows that
good smells positively effects your dreams.
Note: If you have numerous, repetitive nightmares that are related to
childhood scenes or some personal trauma you encountered, I recommend seeing
a counselor or therapist. Severe nightmares are a common symptom of Post
Traumatic Stress Disorder, which can be caused by war, devastating personal
loss, rape and suffering through a natural disaster. Ministers and priests
are also good resources for dealing with nightmares if you attend a church;
many are trained in working with the spiritual and traumatic side of dreams.
For more information about getting better sleep and exploring dreams,
download my [Ryan Hurd's] free ebook Enhance your Dreamlife
Mormon Goddess: Heavenly Mother in LDS Church
I have never been to a Mormon church, but my Mormon and ex-Mormon friends have said the Heavenly Mother is hush-hush, even poo-poohed in LDS. They don’t talk about her. Might give the women and girls too much self esteem, maybe? I don’t know…
Here is a good cover of the Mormon Goddess, including an article by our now-gone-silent ol’ buddy, ol’ pal, “Oiled Lamp” aka Amber Satterwhite (now Adams).
Margaret Starbird Magdalene Sermon Mp3 “In Memory of Her
This is a great listen!
Margaret Starbird writes:
The CD of a 39-minute sermon I gave yesterday for the Unity Church of Bellevue (WA) is posted on their website for anyone who is interested. The subject was "Embracing the Sacred Union": peace and light, Margaret
Dream Interpretation: Headless zombies
Last night I dreamt I was at a swap meet and they had headless people hanging in the eating area. This one body near my mother and I had partial of his head. There was also a raffle going on. Some lady close to us won the raffle and the hanging body fell and was like in zombie mode and alive. Now I understand that bodies can stay alive due to motor neurons running through our body and since the brain can no longer control it, it is like a chicken without a head that still runs around. But I don’t understand. And they were taking kids.  – Nadia
All those dead bodies are parts of YOUR personality that you want to kill off, but want to keep around in case you need them. They have lost their heads…meaning in some area of your life you have gotten too passionate, too emotional, and caused “loss”. You want these dead-to-you aspects of yourself to be there in case you need to utilize them, but you also are horrified by the whole self-eating process your mind and emotions are putting you thru. You know the saying, “it’s eating you up inside.” Â Ask yourself what is eating you, eating your head (intelligence, common sense) and what is “taking” the kids, in other words, taking your childhood or childlike happiness. The raffle means you took a gamble on something or some one and now you are not so sure it’s gonna work out. It got set up on automatic and you can’t stop it. If you can figure out what in your waking life is at the root of this dream, you will suddenly realize the connection and the problem will stop haunting you.
Italy to have the First Woman Priest – and She’s Married
Italy to have first woman priest
A married teacher is poised to become Italy’s first woman priest when she is ordained later this month in an Anglican church close to the Vatican.
Maria Longhitano, a member of the breakaway Old Catholic Church, says she hopes her ordination will break down “prejudice” in the Roman Church.
The event may energise the debate among Roman Catholics about the role of women, a BBC correspondent says.
Pope Benedict is implacably opposed to women as priests.
His predecessor, John Paul II, even banned official discussion of the issue, BBC religious affairs correspondent Robert Pigott notes.
Although Mrs Longhitano will not be a Roman Catholic priest, her ordination in the borrowed Anglican church will be acutely uncomfortable for the Vatican, he says.
When seven Roman Catholic women were unofficially ordained in 2002 they were promptly excommunicated.
Mrs Longhitano, who says she has always wanted to be a priest and played with communion wafers as a child, has accused the Vatican of preventing women from fulfilling their vocation.
She said she hoped her ordination would galvanise debate among Roman Catholics about modernisation.
Some Catholics believe reform is necessary to reverse a decline in numbers and influence and an Austrian bishop said this week that the Church should eventually consider the ordination of women.
The Old Catholics broke away from the Vatican in the 19th Century, rejecting belief in the immaculate conception and the infallibility of the Pope.
Their Church – which leaves issues such as homosexual relationships and contraception up to the individuals’ consciences – has ordained women since 1996.
Story from BBC NEWS:
Published: 2010/05/13