Read The Conclusion, pages 167 – 173 and answer the following questions. Send to the Abbey Councilwith Malachi StMM Conclusion in the subject line:

1.  Who do the Gnostic legends say is the inmost disciple of Lord Yeshua?

2.  Briefly define Gnosticism.

3.  T/F  Gnosticism is a dogmatic creed and has doctrines to beadhered to?

4.  For the devotee of the Bride, what does life become?

5.  The Bride is said to have a golden aura and a __________ aura beyondthat.

**Read the prayer at the end of this chapter. Now, give yourself some quiet,meditative time to ponder the messages in this book.

Katia writes:  I like this book immensely.  My copy is full of highlightingsand handwritten notes in the margins.  If you wrote anything in themargins, anything at all, pleasetell what you wrote and what you were commenting on.  Here’sone of my written-in-the-margins comments (Katia’s): IntroductionPage xvi. Malachi wrote:  “Thus while Yeshua is the first Christedman, Mary Magdalene is the first Christed woman…”  I wrote in themargin, “but Mother Mary was an enlightened Christian woman, too.”  Andthen in the white space at the bottom of the next page, xvii, I wrotea rather long comment about this sentence, “From the Sophian perspective,the idea of the Christos being revealed exclusively in a male form, apartfrom the female form, is considered incomplete and goes against the verynature of our experience, for the Life-power is equally in men and women…” Here’s my comment, actually two comments:  Yes God is “above gender”as many say, implying our use/need of the word Goddess is therefore immature. But the fact remains: God is NOT above gender in “his” (and “her”)REVEALED state.  Once God becomes manifest, revealed, “he” follows thepattern of Creation, dual forces, masc. and fem.  So our religions shouldand must have male and female avatars, teachers, enlightened ones.  Comment2 added six months later, “Futheremore, women (and men) shouldn’t have tolook in the nooks and crannies, in the cracks and crevices of our religioustradition to find the Divine Feminine.  She is more than an inference,more than an implied-but-not-stated Being.

Read the Glossary at the end of the book: My glossary (Katia’s) is marked up with pink highlighter.  Ilove the glossary.  Anything in there that makes you feel the need tohighlight? Please tell me one place you underlined or highlighted (believeit or not I find this kind of thing fascinating.  Hee hee).

Take a look at the Reading List again at the backof the book:  What do you think about his choices?You have not only read but studied at least half of that reading list bynow.  The Mystery School even has a mini-course based on Caitlin Matthews’book, Sophia: Goddess of Wisdom.

Malachi St Mary Magdalene Lesson Index