Bachelor Degree Items – Make Your Selections Below

Bachelor Degree
Item: Bachelor Degree
Price: US$300.00
One time only donation of $300.00 includes beautiful legal diploma suitable for framing, free ordination, wallet card, entry in Practitioners Directory, lifetime reference service, etc. Priority Mail shipping is included.
Additional Bachelor Degree Half-Price
Item: Additional Bachelor Degree
price: $150.00
Description: You may choose a second Bachelor’s degree for a double major. The second degree is half-price.

Wallet-sized Credential Cards
Item: WalletID
Price: Free with each Degree
Your degree and ordination credentials both come in miniature, used as a wallet ID card to verify degree graduate and clergy status.
Clergy Ordination
Item: OrdinationCertificate
price: Free
Description: Your Ordination Certificate is free with your degree
Additional Ordination Certificate
Item: Add’l Ordination
price: $20.00
Description: Choose a second clergy title and receive an additional ordination certificate

Photo Badge
Item: PhotoBadge
Price: US$15.00
Clergy ID Photo Badge with your passport photo. Comes with lapel / pocket clip (please snail-mail us two passport photos OR email us a digital photo)

An Interfaith Minister’s Manual
Item: MinisterManual
Price: US$31.00
CURRENTLY OUT OF PRINT. We are working on getting it back in print. Email us for alternative book suggestions. OR Add to Cart if you want a scanned PDF file of each chapter which we are soon to have available] An Interfaith Minister’s Manual by Angela Plum is a collection of ceremonies, services, rituals, prayers, and vital information from the world’s major religions in this beautiful hardback manual with white cover stamped in gold-foil lettering.

Bachelor Degree Upgrade
Item: BachelorUpgrade
Price: US$150.00
One time only degree fee of $150.00 is offered to those clergy who have already been ordained by our Seminary. Priority Mail shipping and a wallet card are included at no cost!