The Seminary offers religious Bachelors and Masters degrees in Theology, Religious Studies, Divinity, Ministry, and Metaphysics. You may earn a Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Arts in the above disciplines, such as the popular B.A.R.S. degree (Bachelor of Arts in Religious Studies) or you may obtain your Master of Science or Master of Arts. The Seminary also confers traditional ecclesiastic degrees such as Bachelor of Theology (B.Th.) Master of Theology (M.Th.), Master of Divinity (M.Div.) with no “Arts” or “Science” designation.
Research and decide which degree is best suited to you and your current work in the field. We will consider all religious degree titles if you are in need of a different style degree. (i.e. Bachelor of Science in Jewish Studies, Master of Christian Ministry, etc.) Just email what degree title you have in mind and we will tell you whether the Seminary can confer it. Generally the rule is any religious degree with a clear religious modifier in the title is acceptable.
1. Fill out the Bachelors Degree Application or the Masters Degree Application
2. Pay the one time tuition fee of $300 for Bachelors, or $400 for Masters Degree
3. Write and submit your spiritual biography. The spiritual history or biography tells the story of religion and spirituality (they are different!) in your life from childhood to present.
4. Write a detailed summary of the work you do in the field of religion, spirituality or metaphysics and tell how earning this degree will assist you in your ministry or and /or religious-educational goals.
5. Send any transcripts you may have of previous college work. Either scan and email, Or snail mail to:
Esoteric Theological Seminary
650 N. Penrod Rd. #216
Show Low, AZ 85901
6. Take any online lessons as required (based on the above items, we will assign lessons / courses you are required to take)
7. Write a 2000 word research paper or essay on the religious or spiritual topic of your choice. Or for Masters degree, write a 3000 word Masters Thesis on any spiritual topic of your choice. Submit by email or snail mail to the address in #5 above.
The amount paid toward your Bachelors or Masters degree may in future be subtracted from the amount for one of the Seminary’s Doctorate Degree programs or Ph.D. program.
Once the above steps are all met, we will send you your handsome degree diploma — with raised seal, official logo, signed in person, not by a computer. It is very suitable for framing, and we also send you a wallet card showing your new credentials. If requested, we can also email you a digital copy of your new credentials before they are shipped out (we scan the hard-copy)
Transcripts are available for an additional transcript fee. Transcripts are sent directly to the institution of your choice, or student copy to you. The colors of the Seminary are emerald green and ivory if you wish to order a cap and gown for photographs, or a class ring as some of our alumni have done. (We do not sell these items, but apparently there are companies one can order them from, complete with our Seminary’s name embroidered on the robe)
Masters Degree Programs (or you may choose the Bachelor equivalent to any of these)
The Master of Divinity degree is ideal for active ministers working in the field with congregations or circles of people.
Focus is on religious and theological studies. A Bachelor’s Degree in any subject, or one earned from this Seminary is required before enrolling in this degree program.
The Master of Sacred Theology degree is for ministers who wish to emphasize theology, religious history and apologetics. This program consists of writing a Master’s thesis in the candidate’s chosen field of study.
The Master of Philosophy degree is for ministers who wish to emphasize Western Spirituality, Philosophy and Spiritual / Religious Thought. This program consists of writing a Master’s thesis in the candidate’s chosen field of study.
The Master of Theology is an alternative degree to the Doctor of Theology. This degree is conferred upon candidates that complete all the Th.D. degree courses but would rather not write the dissertation. Thus, there is no dissertation requirement for this degree program. Entrance to this program requires a student to take all courses leading to the Doctor of Theology degree.
- Master of Arts in Theology (M.A.T.)
- Master of Arts in Religious Studies (M.A.R.S.)
- Master of Arts in Christian Studies (M.A.C.S.)
- Master of Arts in Islamic Studies (M.A.I.S.)
- Master of Arts in Jewish Studies (M.A.J.S.)
- Master of Arts in Metaphysical Studies (M.A.M.S.)
- Master of Arts in Shamanic Studies (M.A.S.S.)
Candidates should be familiar with the theology of their chosen religion, its scripture, lore, doctrines, as well as be able to defend it, also known as apologetics.