The Ecclesiastical degrees in our Mystery School study program are under the Church of the Way, which is actually a legal entity under the Esoteric Interfaith Church, Inc., our non-profit religious organization with IRS 501c3 tax exempt status. Okay, so there’s a real church involved here. You can study to be a clergymember of that church by completing all the Ecclesiastical (“Churchy”) study halls. Normally this is done as a core curriculum simultaneously as you study along in one of the Mystery School Orders, such as Order of Mary Magdalene, New Knights Templar, Melchizedek, Eternal Magi, etc. But in certain cases a person desiring to become clergy in the Esoteric Interfaith Church / Church of the Way may climb thru the Ecclesiastical clergy (aka clerical) study halls only. Here is that clergy only study program.
Membership Degrees
Catechumen Phase
5 Catechumen Lessons including Alternative Christianity 101, Esoteric Christianity 101
Rite of Kristian Initiation by Water Baptism
Credant Phase – Diakonate
Study in the Diakon Hall, including Alt Christianity 201, Esoteric Christianity 201
Ordination into the Diakonate as Diakon (deacon) or Diakonissa (deaconess)
Minister / Clergy Degrees
Archdiakon Study Hall
Archdiakon lessons, reports, papers Alt Christianity 301, Eso Chris 301 (Inner Christianity course)
Elevation to Archdiakon or Archdiakonissa
Presvyter (priest), Presvytera (priestess) Hall
Lessons, reports, papers at the 400 level
Acquire a minister stole, eucharist tools, minister tools
Ordination into the Priesthood as Presvyter/a or minister
Archpriesthood Hall
Complete all items in Archpresvytera hall
Complete all assignments, projects assigned by senior minister, including 500 level courses
Elevation to Archpresvyter/a
* * * * * * * * * * *
Episcopate / Bishopric
Complete all assignments given by senior minister/bishop, 600 level courses
One year Internship ministering and teaching to the people (your “flock”) in your circle
Exoteric Christian History 501: Read & report on What’s so Great About Christianity & A New Earth simultaneously (or within the same 6 week period)
Earn an advanced religious degree from our Seminary such as, Th.D., D.Div., Ph.D. by writing a thesis, completing Theodicy/Ontology 608 course, etc.
Travel to EIC headquarters in Gainesville, FL (plan a trip to Disney World, we are on the way!) Attend classes and give a talk/presentation to our Florida members (in rare exceptions this can be done at your home church if you have one. Rev. Dr. Katia will travel to you for your consecration)
Acquire a bishop’s staff, staff of office also known as crosier (candy cane shaped in Catholicism, Tau-shaped in Eastern Orthodoxy). Candy canes are meant to bring to mind Santa Claus was a bishop. Optional: Bishop’s stole, bishop’s hat (miter) or crown (eastern orthodoxy)
Consecration as Bishop