Yeshua, called simply, “the Teacher” in the Gospel of Mary Magdalene.
Please read pages 44 thru 59 in the Gospel of Mary Magdalene. Theseare the pages that discuss page seven of the manuscript.
Then answer the following questions. Cut and paste the questions intoan email, insert your answers and send to theAbbeyCouncil with the subjectline: “GMM Lesson 4 from ____________ (your magikal name)“
1. What kind of perspective is shown in the Gospel of Mary?
2. What kind of path of Christianity is found in this gospel?
3. In what role is Yeshua presented here?
4. These are the teachings that can restore human beings to this ____________________, to an ___________ ______________ ____________ with their __________.
5. What is salvation?
6. What has a beginning also has an _________.
7. What does ignorance of impermanence generate?
8. T/F The true Source can be grasped by the mind.
9. Is matter bad or sinful?
10. What is the Greek definition of sin?
11. How do we act according to the habits of our corrupted nature?
12. The Gospel of Mary is addressed to _________ who have ___________ thelaw in ______________.
13. To what passage written by Paul can this passage in the Gospel of Marybe compared?
14. The nature of matter involves _______.
15. When can Good come into our midst?
16. What is the triad of the ancient philosophers?
17. T/F The reunion with our roots is a once and for all event.
18. Where do we receive the inspiration of the Teacher and his teaching?
19. Sickness, suffering and death are the ________________ of our _________.
20. How does one kill the blamer?
21. What two qualities are necessary to discover the world?
Exercise: Write down in your journal some areas of your life that take youaway from God. Then write down some things you do that bring you closer toGod (not necessarily the stereotypical things!). Use this exercise to sharpenyour awareness of the path of return.
Questions by Deborah Diakonissa