Goddess in the Gospels
Lesson Seven
Read the Appendices 1 thru 4, pages 155-163 in The Goddess in the Gospels.Copy and paste the following questions to a new e-mail, answer them, then send to the Mystery School with the following subject line: GinG 7 from______________ (your magikal name).
1. On what fact is the ancient system of gematria based?
2. Each letter was a _________, and each number value carried ______________________.
3. Identify the following gematria (some have more than one meaning):
a) 1080
b) 801
c) 999
d) 99
e) 666
f) 1746
g) 152
h) 153
4. How is the vesica piscis formed?
Essay: What is your personal opinion on all this? Do you believe MM is the lost bride? What do you think of gematria? Answer briefly.
Questions by Deborah Diakonissa