What a New Age Bookstore is looking for in an Intuitive Reader:

A good reputation.  A reader’s highest calling is to help clients believe in their own intuition, insight and guidance. Help people help themselves by acknowledging that clients ultimately know what’s best for themselves. A reader who believes only they know what’s best for a client has a personal agenda (like to stroke their own ego) and does more harm than good.

A bookstore owner/manager will likely view you as an employee and  that means you should act like an employee — dress according to the dress code,if any; acting like a representative of the store; communicating any problems or ideas with the manager.

Every Bookstore and Psychic Fair is different.  Although idea is $1 per minute with a 20-minute minimum. A bookstore may take25% – 50% to cover its expenses for advertising readings and maintaining a facility, but everything is negotiable.

And from the store owner’s perspective, a checklist to consider when hiring a reader:
Criteria for judging readers based on the ancient wisdom of the tarot.  By James Wanless
One very neglected yet vital ethic regarding tarot readers is whether they walk their talk and live what they counsel.  Tarot is first and foremost a personal-growth practice; reading the cards is simply an adjunct to that practice.  Does your prospective reader know from first hand experience the principles of life represented by the core of the tarot, the 22 major-arcana cards:  the following is a 22-item checklist to consider when hiring readers.
No one is perfect, but these questions are an effective interview construct to help evaluate the reader and his potential integrity-driven effectiveness.
1.  Does the reader have the curiosity and open mind of the fool, which enhance the ability to ask good questions? (The question, after all, is probably more important than the answer.)
2.  Does the reader have the communication skills of the magician, known in some cases to be stern and, in other instances, lighthearted?
3.  Does the reader, as the priestess, tell the truth rather than engage in hyperbolic soothsaying to make a client feel good?  Does the reader have integrity?
4.  Does the reader have qualities of the empress, shown through empathic and sensitive compassion?  Is the reader a loving, caring person?
5.  Does the reader have the experience of the emperor in the business world in order to counsel career decisions effectively?
6.  Does the reader have the experienced wisdom of the hierophant in order to teach a client how to turn challenges and obstacles into growth opportunities?
7.  Has the reader experienced the healthy, functioning relationships of the lovers archetype?  Is the reader in touch with the feminine and masculine sides of his personality?
8.  Is the reader skilled in setting out a game plan or strategy for achieving goals, as suggested by the chariot card?
9.  In accordance with the balance or justice card, is the reader balanced,sensible, and measured in his counsel?  Is the reader’s internal state balanced between the mental, emotional physical, worldly,and spiritual realms?
10.  Has the reader done the inner work to evolve from his hang-ups and shadow aspects as represented by the introspective and whole hermit? Is the reader not only a spiritual being, but expressive of the lower chakra drives of survival, power, and sex?
11.  Does the reader take risks and make changes in his life, following the wheel-of-fortune principle?
12.  Is the reader willing to let go of his personal biases and projections and surrender to the values and perspectives of the client, symbolized by the hanged man?
13.  Can the reader tell the client the difficult news of the death principle — that the client will have to release what she dearly holds onto?  Does the reader himself know how to stop and let go?
14.  Is the reader, like the art archetype, creative, original, and unique?
15.  Des the reader know how to laugh and bring levity into the process devil’s Pan-like play, rather than remain unremittingly serious?
16.  Does the reader have the impassioned nature to inspire and move the client into action, as symbolized by the tower card?
17.  Is the reader a visionary, a seer representative of the star-card nature, who can paint a picture with words that motivates the client to aspire to her highest potential?
18.  Is the reader an intuitive feeler and emotionally clear and healthy,as indicated by the moon card?
19.  Is the reader optimistic, bright, sunny, alive, vital, and energetic in life, like the sun principle?
20.  Is the reader able to discern his own habit patterns that need revision, a skill associated with the time-space card?
21.  Is the reader successfully experienced in the whole of life, in keeping with the universe-card principle?  Has he been around?  Hashe proven himself in all areas of life?
22.  Finally, is the reader actively on the path, working to improve and enhance his life accordance with the tarot principles he preaches?

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