How Angels write their names, how angel mages have “called” them with sigils(landing fields) & how you can use sigils to communicate with your angels

get seals for other AA’s
[Image] [Image] [Image] [Image]

Read about and view the images aboutAngelicSeals on Sarah’s Archangels Website

And also from her website (thankyou Sarah!)…

A Table Showing the Names of the Angels
along with their sigils, zodiac signs, and the heavens ruled by theseangels.
From Barrett, The Magus


Angelic Scripts, Seals & Sigils

The Angelic Script
with variations of the Hebrew alphabet, from aleph to tau.
From La Kabba Pratique



To see the names of the Nine Orders of Angels (Seraphim, Kerubim, Ophanim,etc.) and Archangels’ names in the Hebrew alphabet, visit this page:
And keep in mind, the names are written right to left, that’s the way Hebrewgoes.