Alternative Spiritual & Esoteric Discussion Lists, Forums, Groups


Welcome to the Esoteric Mystery

All Mystery School members are required to subscribe to the EsotericChristians Group
E-list for official school-wide news, announcements and lots of cool alternative spirituality, esoteric info. If you’re on Facebook, please join the Mystery School’s official  Facebook group.

You may also subscribe to the Mystery School blog, which is quiet lately but has alternative esoteric holidays posted for the whole year (But posted a few years ago.) Just look for the bright green SUBSCRIBE button on the left side of the page.

AND please also subscribe to the appropriate Email Discussion Lists below, according to the Order(s) that you have joined or are interested in exploring. Most of them have searchable message archives over TWO decades old now of which you will have free reign.

Feel free to join them all, if you like:

Order of Mary Magdala —
MaryMagdalaOrder Forum

Ancient Order of Melchizedek —
YHVHPriesthood Forum

Order of the New Knights Templar & Daughters of Tsion —
NewTemplars Forum

and the Templar FacebookGroup

Order of the Divine Mother, Sophia, Mary, Mrs. God —
DivineMother Forum

Third Millennium Angelic Alliance —
AngelicAlliance Forum

Order of the Northern Way, Celtic, Teutonic, Shamanic and Earth-based traditions —
NorthernWay Forum

Eternal Order of the Magi —
EternalMagi Forum

For members interested in our Tarot Course —
TarotEMS Forum

You should also subscribe to +Katia’s Esoteric blog

Other Online Forums run by the Esoteric Mystery School:
GoddessChristians forum — our largest and most active list with almost 2000 members discussing the Sacred Feminine being restored to Judeo-Christianity from which she was yanked. Several published “Magdalene authors” such as Margaret Starbird, Joan Norton, Jennifer Reif, Sandra Pope and others post here. C’mon in and join the lively discussion!

— With more than 1,200 members, this forum discusses the controversial but pivotal book, the DaVinci Code,  related “heresies”, Mary Magdalene, alternative Christianity, hidden secrets in Christianity, gnosticism and occasionally Roman Catholic Church history and/or oppression.

PrayerEChain Forum  Our School’s Prayer List
— an electronic Prayer Chain. Submit a request, or join in the praying and sending of healing. Needs members, so if you’re a prayer warrior, please sign up and participate!


Miscellaneous Esoteric Discussion Groups – Come on in!

Gnostic Seminary Forum for all things gnosis, gnostic and semi-gnostic! And some Cathar stuff, too…

Eckhart Tolle Teachings Forum discussing the Zen-like teachings of ancient wisdom, the ultimate divinity on earth — Consciousness.

EsotericParenting Forum   Any parents attempting to raise kids with an esoteric, gnostic or alternative spiritual awareness, please join this forum!  Spiritual parenting that’s not fundamentalist Christian, not “New Age”,
not really pagan or occult, but rather integral, cutting edge, alternative semi-Gnostic semi-Tolle (Eckhart Tolle!) zenlike but magical spirituality for our kids.

The School of Athens by Raphael