Clergywork Study the Clergywork healing technique usedby our Order of Melchizedek and complete the following Lab Exercise:
Clergywork Lab Report
Try the healing technique three times on three different “targets,” overthe next week or so. Send in a lab report for EACH time you use thetechnique. Tell the following: Whom or what group of people was/ were your target for healing? Date and time, phase of moon whencompleting ritual. Sensations, Impressions while performing it. Any results that you know of? Send your Lab Report to the Mystery School with the subjectline: AOM Clergywork Lab Report from _____ (your magikal name).
Eucharist Rituals
Study these Eucharist Rites from our Orderof Melchizedek Ritual Manual and then complete the following exercises.
Exercise 1
Personal Eucharist Report
Perform the shorter personal version at least six times over the nextmonth (or week if you can hack a daily ritual, for that is really what thisis, a daily “mass”). Send in six separate reports (within 24 hours of performing the rite) with the followinginformation: Date and time, phase of moon when completing ritual. Sensations, Impressions while performing it.
Use the subject line: AOM Personal Eucharist Report from ______ (yourmagikal name)
Exercise 2
Adapting the Eucharist
How might you re-word or modify the short Eucharist ritual more to your ownpersonal taste? Is there anything you’d like to add to it? If so, doit. Add, change, get creative. Perhaps get ideas from your Initiation into theOrder. Send in yournew adapted version of the Personal Eucharist Rite with the subject line: AOM Personal Eucharist Adaptation from __________ (your magikal name)
Keep in mind the esoteric interpretation of the Eucharist…
Esoteric Symbolism of the Last Supper / Eucharist from “The Originsand Purposes of the Holy Sacraments excerpt from a lecture by PaulSolomon.
Found online here: ofthe Last Supper/Eucharist
. . . Some call the sacrament of taking bread and wine the Lords LastSupper. Some call it the Holy Eucharist. Others call it Holy Communion. Ifwe look at the origins and evolution of this ritual, we find that it didnot originate with Jesus, nor in Judaism. It was practiced in ancient Egyptand probably in other ancient cultures.
The practice was a recognition of energy meeting matter. In these ancientceremonies, matter was reduced to its simplest form, which was ground graincombined with water. Leavening was not added, nothing to make it more palatable.There was just the dry wafer of earth. As they introduced water to the drygrain, they wanted to invoke a greater symbolism. In fact, the intentionwas to create a marriage of earth, air, fire and water. It was believed thatthe coming together of these four elements produced a dynamic result. Thesum of the parts would be greater than the whole.
There was one more piece to the ritual. That pivotal piece says thatWhatever I am thinking when I bring these elements together dictatesthe nature of the power that is released when they meet each other withinme. So, I take the bread and the wine, knowing that I am introducing withinmyself the four elements simultaneouslyearth, air, fire andwaterknowing that they will meet together in an explosion of energy.The objective of the ceremony was to commit that energy to a specific purpose.The moment was made holy through the release of the energy within towarda higher purpose, a holy intent.
On at least two recorded occasions when this ritual was practiced, the teacher,the one introducing the practice, said, When you do this, you can literallytransform yourself to work miracles. Melchizedek said it to Abraham,claiming him to be possessor of heaven and earth. (Genesis 14:18-19)Jesus told his disciples when he served the sacramental meal, He thatbelieveth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater worksthan these shall he do. (John 14:12) He said that You are capableof doing anything that I have done. There are things greater than this thatyou can do. And the power to do it is released in this experience.
In todays churches, we have a ritual celebration occurring, which Jesusdid not institute or practice, generally called communion. Communion is thetaking of bread and wine within a community for the purpose of cementinga congregation as a church. It is not a sacrament. The sacrament is the sacredmeal that is taken as a communion with God, involving the holy marriage ofthe elements for the purpose of transformation.
Why did Jesus say, My flesh is meat and my blood is drink. Whatdid he mean? His message was not esoteric. It was made crystal clear in thefourteenth chapter of John. Jesus said that The things that you haveseen me do that you consider miracles really did happen. They are miraclesin that they are expressions of laws that you do not understand. They didhappen. I really did do them. The reason that I can do these miracles isnot because of myself as this body or this flesh. The reason I can do themis because my Father is in me. The word father should be examined.The word would have been better interpreted as sourcenot necessarilyfather or mother, not necessarily masculine or feminine.
Jesus said that The source of myself is in me, the source of life itselfis in me. And that source of life gives life, heals life, creates laws,transcends laws, creates miracles, because it is in me. Because I am notin competition with it, I can produce these miracles. When you look at me,because I am not in competition with my source, you can see my source whenyou see me. My source and I are one. You have come to know me. If you havecome to know me, you have come to know my source, because my source and Iare one. If through knowing what I am, at harmony with my source, if youhave that same thing inside you, if you have me in you as I have God in me,then everything that I do you can do and greater things than these.
The next step was for Jesus to say, Lets just illustrate this.Lets say this piece of bread is my body. Take it into your body. Now,you have got me inside you. Because you have got me inside you, you can dowhat I have done. This wine is my blood. Drink it. My source that is in meis now in you, and you can do whatever I have done and more.
Then Jesus said, Now, take it one step further. Every time that youdrink or eat anything, from now on, for the rest of your life, make it aholy experience. Take me into you and release within yourself all the powerthat I have had.
That was the original intent and purpose of this holy sacramentnothingshort of personal transformation.
© Paul Solomon Foundation 1994