In this study we will examine all the secret codes and glyphs that are usedto represent the sacred marriage in ancient life, art and writings.
- Squared circle
- Chalice and Blade
- Chevrons overlapping
- X Symbol
- Triangles: in Star of David & heart of Tantric yantra symbol
- Yoni-lingam
- Anchor, (yoni-chalice base, upright phallic cross or blade)
- Alpha and Omega symbol (Omega is “womb”, Alpha “penetrates” it)
- Gematria numerical codes (of phrases such as hieros gamos and hieros gamous)
- Watermarks hidden in Bibles owned by heretics
- Pythagoras on the marriage concept in numbers
And a few more we’re not thinking of right this minute…
Icons are usually painted chock full of symbols. Examine the symbols in this modern icon by Christina Miller. Shecommented to a Magdalene-list mate as follows:
Subject: Re: Magdalena & Yeshua Work…
Dear Debbie, the idea for this Icon is the relationship, the grail is enigmatic,also representing the shared time and space that Yeshua and Magdalena shared,the water flows from the Holy Spirit, representing the basis of all Lifeand the plasmic reflection of God. Magdalena is crying because she knowssomething will happen to Yeshua during Passover, He says He is going nonetheless,a moment we can all relate to. The overall idea is to bring this relationshipinto the moment. I am not qualifying their relationship in any way, as itis clouded in the mists of time. — Blessings, Christina
Thanks to Debbie Cooper, the listmate who brought this icon to our attention. Debbie writes: “Christina Miller is making prints this week (Sept3, 2004) which will be available for purchase through her web site The piece doesn’t show up on her site yet butbased on what I could see of her other work I asked her if she had ever donework on Jesus and MM and she had!”
We are looking at symbols in this lesson. Note the holy grail frontand center. It is made up of twin flames symbolizing soul mates thatincarnate or descend from heaven in pairs; a very potent sacred marriagesymbol. The grail is significantly decorated with a masculine divinesun over a feminine divine moon in the ultimate sacred marriage. Theliving water is flowing upward out of the grail, yet downward from the HolySpirit. Magdalene is wearing a bridal headdress and outer robe to remindus she is the archetypal Divine Bride. Yeshua, as in countless iconsover the past two thousand years is shown in red, the color denoting “hetook on mortality, clothed himself in human flesh.” My 17 year oldneice says, “She painted them to look kind of Hindu,” and I think I agree. Yeshua looks a bit like he’s stoned, but icons never quite capturethe beauty of a person it seems, so we mustn’t be too critical. (Ifonly we could have some beautiful handsome dreamy looking Yeshuas…) Magdalene does has a lovely face in this rendition, however, and hertears transcend the millenia, reminding us of loss and of all the tears shedthru the ages.
by Archdiakonissa Deborah
Humans have used symbols for millennia. Before the development of alphabetsand writing, signs and symbols were used to represent words and concepts.The word “glyph” is derived from the Greek word for “carving”, because thesesymbols were originally incised into clay or wood. “Glyph” has come to referto a pictograph representing a form originally adopted for sculpture, whetherthe form is carved or painted. A “hieroglyph”, then, would mean “sacred carving”(“hiero” being translated as “sacred”). Hieroglyphs are most often connectedwith Egyptian culture, but were used all over the world.
Here are a few meanings of glyphs commonly used in religious art, particularlyin connected with the sacred marriage of Yeshua and Mary Magdalene. It shouldbe remembered that the relationship of Yeshua and Mary Magdalene was bannedfrom the exoteric (outward) church; those who believed in the sacred marriageof Yeshua and Mary Magdalene had to resort to occult (or hidden) methodsto relay their message. Often these symbols are hidden in various art forms.
These symbols are receiving renewed interest as a result of the book TheDaVinci Code. Though we may not have a Harvard symbologist on hand, we candetermine some of these meanings on our own!
The squared circle: This has a couple of different meanings. The circle isgenerally considered to be a female image, but also has connections withthe sun (a solar image). The square is often thought to be a male image,but has four sides (which indicates the feminine principle). So with thesquared circle, you have a combination male and female image (whichever wayyou want to look at it!). The square, with its four sides, also indicatesthe physical world, and the circle points to eternity. Therefore, the squaredcircle also means the union of eternal and temporal; another appropriateimage for the sacred marriage of Yeshua and Mary Magdalene.
The chalice and the blade: This symbol has been used since antiquity, longbefore the development of writing. The chalice is indicative of the womb;the blade, of the phallus. The union of womb and phallus, female and male,thus is a sign of sacred marriage. In Christian imagery, the blade is oftenreplaced with the cross (especially a cross whose lower vertical sectionis longer than the other three sections), which retains the phallic connection.
Overlapping chevrons: The “v” is symbolic of the womb; the inverted “v”,symbolic of the phallus. When the chevrons overlap, the joined “v” shapescreate both male and female symbols.
The red X: As noted in The Woman with the Alabaster Jar, the red X is a referenceto the sacred marriage because of the “v” shape (symbolizing the womb) overthe inverted “v” (symbolizing the phallus). The red color is indicative ofboth blood (Yeshua’s sacrifice) and female (red for menstrual blood; also,red indicated womanhood, and is used to symbolically refer to the motherfigure-the second part of the Maiden, Mother, Crone trinity). The letterX is also one form of the equal-armed cross.
Triangles: The triangle (base on bottom) is a common symbol for the blade,or phallus; the inverted triangle indicates the womb or chalice. The threesides are indicative of the trinity, whether male (Father-Son-Holy Spirit)or female (Maiden-Mother-Crone or Sophia-Holy Spirit-World Soul).
Yantra: This is a Hindu symbol that combines a number of interlocking trianglesinscribed inside a circle. It is used in tantra to symbolize the union ofmale and female in coitus.
Yoni and lingam: The yoni is the external female genitalia (vulva and clitoris).The lingam is the phallus. Vulvar symbols have been used since prehistoryas a sign of the earth mother. The vulvar shape is also found in the vesicapiscis (turn it on end and you’ll see it). The following link shows you someexamples of the yoni and lingam in contemporary art.
Note: matrix is the Latin word for womb; in Spanish the plural is “matrices”,so you can see where this artist is headed!
Anchor: This symbol is a combination of the crescent (symbolic of the moon,a female symbol, and also of the chalice or grail) and the cross (which,as we saw above, is a phallic symbol, especially when the lower verticalarm is longer-invariably used in the anchor). The anchor has long been usedas a sign of hope and safety. Mary Magdalene is known as the Anchor becauseshe was Yeshua’s earthly connection while he descended to the underworldsafter his death. So this has layers of meaning within the esoteric meaning!
The Alpha and the Omega: These are the last two Greek letters of the alphabet.The Alpha, with its inverted “v” shape, is a phallic symbol; the Omega isrounded, with the bottom section open slightly, an excellent example of thewomb (or perhaps the vulva). When the two letters are written together, theAlpha (phallus) is clearly portrayed as penetrating the Omega (womb or vulva).A clear sign of the sacred marriage.
Gematria: As described in Magdalene’s Lost Legacy, gematria is all aboutsymbolism. Many of the hidden numerical symbols of the New Testament arerelated to Mary Magdalene and her sacred marriage to Yeshua.
Watermarks: Another of the interesting chapters in Margaret Starbird’s TheWoman with the Alabaster Jar, watermarks were used to transmit esoteric truthduring times of persecution. The watermarks incorporated many of these sameglyphs and symbols to keep the knowledge of the sacred marriage alive.
Pythagoras on marriage concept in numbers: Pythagoras was a Greek philosopherand mathematician best known today for his geographical theories. For centuries,even continuing today, Pythagorean philosophy has made the connection betweennumbers and esoteric truth. Because the Greek language did not have separatewords for numbers, each letter of the alphabet was assigned a numeric value.Pythagoras and his followers interpreted the meaning of these numbers. Whenthe letters of a word or phrase are added up, these numbers also had meaning.This is what is done in gematria. Many of these values, first assigned byPythagoras, are now being recognized as present in the New Testament; someof these refer to the sacred marriage.
For more information on glyphs and symbols, see the following websites: This is the most popular feature of the huge AltReligion website. Showsmany glyphs in pictorial representation and meaning. This is an evangelical Christian site; they give advice to exotericChristians on how to relate to folks who use these symbols. (If they onlyknew the truth. . . . .) Provides the generic Christian view of these symbols,but has good pictorial representations. Gives more information on symbols and their uses. This is a group of — believe it or not — Buddhist Nazoreans. Thesefolks have some interesting articles on Mary Magdalene and Yeshua, includinginformation on symbolism. Fascinating site.
Copy and paste the following questions to a new e-mail, answer them, thensend to the Mystery School withthe following subject line: OMM Glyphs Lesson from ___________ (yourmagikal name).
1. T/F Symbols are older than writing.
2. From what Greek word was the word “glyph” derived?
3. Give three different meanings of the circle.
4. In general, when a shape points down, it’s most likely a __________ symbol;when a shape points up, it’s most likely a ___________ symbol.
5. In addition to the “v on top of a v” represented by the red X, what othershape is seen in the letter X?
6. What religion used the yantra?
7. What symbol is a combination of the cross and the chalice or crescent?
8. T/F Numbers have symbolic meaning.
Essay: Explain in a paragraph or two why believers in the sacred marriagehad to hide their beliefs in glyphs and symbols.
Extra credit: Take a look at the websites mentioned in this article and commenton each one briefly.
Instead of completing the lesson above, you may also get credit for thislesson by doing your own research on each of the symbols at the very topof this page — always keeping in mind how they relate to the sacred marriage– and writing a short article. Cite your sources. Xtra credit if youinclude pictures. Send to Katia,Prioress