Lesson 8: Page 15 of the Manuscript
Read pages 128-137 in The Gospel of Mary Magdalene. Copy and paste the followingquestions to a new e-mail, answer them, then send to theAbbeyCouncil with the followingsubject line: GMM 8 from __________ (your magikal name).
1. In space, the resurrection must be both _____________ and ________________.
2. What is the Kingdom called in the Gospel of Mary?
3. Name the four “climates”.
4. To what does the soul belong?
5. Craving is the ___________ of all ____________ _____________ that hasbeen cut off from _____________.
6. What is the nature of Craving?
7. ___________________ of our own ______________ can be our salvation.
8. With what does discrimination begin?
9. How can the soul discriminate?
10. This ___________ _________________ is also the beginning of _______________,for it is the doorway to __________ _____________, unattached to _______________.
Questions by Diakonissa Deborah