Lesson 1
Read Introduction, pages 1-12
Our lives now in the early 21st century are very hectic. Often we can findourselves spending all our time “doing” instead of “being”. Even when we’resurrounded by other people it’s easy to feel disconnected.
Some are finding a sense of connection through geneology. It’s interestingto find similarities between you and your ancestors. Psychology has found,however, that these similarities are not accidental. Humans seem to relivethe past in many ways. One of the most common is through archetypes. Theycould be characterized as the building blocks of our personalities. Thesearchetypes are common to humans of every generation. Each individual hasa different combination of these archetypes actively working in their lives.Understanding these guiding energies can help us see our mission in life,and can give us the tools needed to transform our lives.
1. The heroic quest is about saying _____ to yourself and, in so doing, becomingmore _____ _____ and ______ __________ in the world.
2. What are some of the ways our world reflects the classic symptoms of thewasteland kingdom?
3. The pattern of our personal journey is not _______ nor________but ________.
4. T/F The most pervasive sickness is delusion of grandeur.
5. Summarize the five possible ways to explain what an archetype is.
6. Name the three stages of the hero’s journey.
Exercise: Read again the 5 ways to explain what an archetypeis (pages 5-7). Can you think of any other ways to explain this concept?To which of these explanations can you relate?
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Lesson 2: How to Use This Book, pages 13-22
Be sure to take the HMI as directed in this chapter!
You may have taken personality tests before. The short tests in magazinesoften have titles like, “Discover Your Love Quotient”. Then when you readthe “solutions” at the end, you might find yourself in all of them! Otherquizzes may leave you wanting more information. But this book is designedto help you uncover your archetypes and learn how to use them to find yourtrue place in the world.
In the process, you might discover some things that are not particularlycomfortable. All of us have shadow archetypes, which are negative expressionsof the archetypes. Identifying these shadow archetypes is the first steptoward being free of them. As we learn the positive attributes of each archetype,we can learn how to express its beneficial aspects instead of its negativeones. We’re taking steps toward freedom.
1. A shadow side of an archetype is when we are stuck expressing an archetypein its ___________ _________.
2. T/F A shadow archetype is entirely outside ourselves.
3. After taking the HMI, list your scores in descending order (highest scorefirst). What are your top 3?
4. The ways to free ourselves of shadow possession is to awaken our __________________.
5. You can literally _____ the archetype to come into your life, or you can______ _______ its _______ and ___________.
6. T/F All 12 archetypes will not be eqaually active in your life.
Exercise 1: On page 14, Ms. Pearson lists some ways in whichthis book can be applied. How do you plan on using this book?
Exercise 2: Which of the shadow archetypes (pages 15-17) doyou find in your own life?
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Lesson 3
Read The Stages of the Journey, pages 27-29
It has been said that the key to life is coming into balance. Today we receiveso many mixed messages from business, politics, psychology, and religionas to the importance of the ego, self, and soul that it’s difficult to findthat balance. “Finding yourself” doesn’t mean leaving practical things behind,but rather integrating the various aspects of your personality so you canbetter function in all areas of life.
1. What are the three aspects of the personality?
2. The secret is to take the _______ and find ________.
3. We first develop the _____, then encounter the _____, and finally givebirth to a unique sense of ______.
4. T/F The journey of the ego teaches us how to get our own way.
5. T/F The journey of the soul helps us to become really “authentic”.
6. T/F The journey of the self shows us how to find and express our authenticity,power, and freedom.
7. Briefly describe the Ego.
8. Briefly describe the Soul.
9. Briefly describe the Self.
10. Which 4 archetypes help prepare us by developing Ego strength?
11. Which 4 archetypes help us on the journey?
12. Which 4 archetypes mediate the return to the kingdom?
Exercise: Fill in the Ego, Self, and Soul mandalas. What isyour score for each? Which has the highest score? Remember that our livesare a spiral, and we often return to different levels at various times ofour lives. Don’t judge your results, just use them to learn more about yourselfat this stage of your life.
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Lesson 4
Read The Ego: Protecting the Inner Child, pages 30-37
Have you ever been called an egotist, or heard someone else referred to inthat way? The Ego has been used as an epithet for far too long, making referenceto that which is self-centered and immature. But we can’t blame the Ego forour own neglect. We need to understand the function of the Ego and work tostrengthen it in order to become whole.
1. Establishing a healthy Ego is the _______ for taking the journey safely.
2. The Ego is the seat of __________.
3. T/F The Eg’s first task is to protect the inner soul.
4. The Ego’s basic function is to __________ our relationship with the ______________.
5. T/F The stories we identify most often with teh Hero are those about Souldevelopment.
6. What makes a hero a hero?
7. What are the 3 requirements for preparation for the Journey?
8. The archetypes associated with Ego development help us learn to ______________ for our lives even when we do not yet know how to do so.
9. Describe the role of the Innocent.
10. Describe the role of the Orphan.
11. Describe the role of the Warrior.
12. Describe the role of teh Caregiver.
13. Our journeys don’t progress until we demonstrate __________ ____________.
14. Properly developed, the ego _____ but then ________ _______, becomingthe _________ that can house the _____ without threatening ___________.
Exercise 1: Describe some ways in which the Ego has been misunderstood.Do you have any points to add to what Ms. Pearson has to say?
Exercise 2: In what areas do you need to strengthen your ego?In what areas do you show signs of a mature ego?
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Lesson 5
Read The Soul: Entering the Mysteries, pages 38-48
It’s common in our society to say that someone has “soul”. We generally meanthat such a person is in contact with his or her emotions. That’s a goodstart, but the Soul goes deeper than that. The soul is immortal–that is,it doesn’t die. You don’t necessarily have to be religious to develop yoursoul. Connecting with the Soul happens when we need to know the meaning oflife, when we need to have a connection with something outside ourselves.When we have strong Egos, we can risk reaching out to others, because ourboundaries help us feel safe. So we’re building on the work done with ourEgos and expanding that into our Souls.
The journey of the Ego naturally leads us to the Soul’s journey, which beginswith an initiation. Initiations help us let go of the Ego’s narrow view tosee spiritual truth. This can be difficult, but the rewards at the end ofthe journey are great.
1. Soul is the part of the psyche that connects us with the ______ and providesa sense of ______ and _____ in our lives.
2. T/F soul is most evident during times of crisis or transition.
3. The purpose of initiation is to help us _______ the _______ and _______of the ___________ it _________ in our own lives.
4. What are some of examples of the language of the soul?
5. T/F The Soul wants the world to make sense; The Ego understands that lifeis a mystery.
6. T/F We only have 1 chance to connect with the Soul.
7. Ms. Pearson uses the story of Pinocchio (the Disney version) to illustratehow initiation brings us into contact with our Souls. Can you think of anyother tales that could illustrate the way we learn to feel “real”?
8. T/F The Soul does not need the body.
9. Describe the language of the Soul.
10. Describe the language of the Ego.
11. Essential to all mystery religions is an assumed ______ between the cyclesof ______ and all ________ and _________ life.
12. Alchemical _____ and _____ _______ encode key stages of _______ ______and _________.
13. Define the Seeker.
14. Define the Destroyer.
15. Describe the Lover.
16. Describe the Creator.
17. how can one experience these 4 soul-related energies?
Exercise: In what areas are you in contact with your soul? Inwhat areas do you need to strengthen awareness of your soul?
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Lesson 6
Read The Self: Expressing Ourselves in the World, pages 49-61
As our journey continues, we now come to the Self. The Self connects us toboth our true inner selves and the outside world. Often this requires suffering.The pain galvanized the psyche so that we can express ourselves to’s a relief to know that the archetypes of the Self help bring us intobalance firmly, so we can have some rest from the cycle of suffering andredemption. The end result is a life of abundance, because true success isa matter of being fully ourselves.
1. T/F The Self is the beginning of the individuation process.
2. The essence of self is _______; for it is at one and the same time whatis most _______ about each of us and what connects our ____ to the __________.
3. T/F The sacrifice of the Old Ruler is necessary for renewal and change.
4. Encoded within the Grail stories is so much ___________ _______ that teachesus how to heal the wounded Ruler within.
5. The Christ story tells us the process of _______, ______ and _________of the Self.
6. The symbolic meaning of the resurrection and prophecies of the secondcoming of Christ is the state of ________________ that allows for __________________ of one’s Soul esence on the physical plane so that there isno _______ between the two.
7. Name some examples of the symbolism of the cross.
8. We must make our Quest experience ______________ so we can make the___________ known to ourselves and others. conscious; meaning
9. There can be no real __________ or _________ until Eros, the _________,and _________ are restored to their rightful place of power. health, wholeness,goddess, woman
10. The grail is a symbol of the proper relationship of the _________ andthe ___________.
11. T/F We need to fully deny our suffering make it unconscious, and emergythe Rulers of our own lives.
12. As we ask the _________ ___________, we open our souls to living lifefrom a _______ _________.
13. T/F The integration of our Self’s conflicting qualities is permanent.
14. T/F Several spiritual traditions call us to integrate the uncommon andthe ordinary.
15. T/F The figures of the classical court keep the kingdom in balance.
16. Describe the Ruler.
17. Describe the Magician.
18. Describe the Sage.
19. Describe the Fool.
Exercise: In what areas do you express a positive sense of Self?In what areas do you need to strengthen the Self?
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Lesson 7
Read Beyond Heroism: The Dance, pages 62-68
It seems like we’ve completed our journey. We’ve integrated, so things arefine. Or are they? Most of us have areas where we’re too serious, too filledwith self-importance. The Fool helps us here in two ways. First, the Foolaids us in the expression of the sometimes paradoxical misture of qualitieswithin each of us. Second, the Fool helps us laugh at ourselves, to loosenup when we get too caught up in the “shoulds” of life. While the Fool rarelybrings more order to life, it does make our continuing journey richer andmore fun.
1. T/F We find the Fool at the beginning and end of our journeys.
2. The Fool helps us move beyond _______, beyond _______, beyond ________,into ___________.
3. T/F The Trickster is useless in modern life.
4. T/F Though we laugh at the Trickster, we can all let our appetitesget out of control.
5. The Trickster part of us is activated any time we need to find outwhat is ____ and what is ______ ______.
6. Those who are in touch with the Trickster waste little ______compromising their own ________ to please _________.
7. T/F The Trickster is dangerous and should be repressed.
8. The fool helps us ______ the Id, but is not the Id.
9. People who have taken their __________ and developed an ________Self can trust their ___________.
10. Ms. Pearson quotes James Hillman to say that polytheism is a bettermodel for psychology than monotheism. Do you agree? Why or why not?
[The lesson writer comments: Thisanswer will vary widely, but I think a pagan monotheism (seeing one verymultifaceted God instead of many gods), like that taught in the mystery school(at least that’s what I see; maybe I’m wrong here!), covers all the basesin both religion and psychology.]
11. The wise Fool can move past the ________ of a _______ Self, to expressthe _______ of his or her _______ in the world.
Exercise: In what areas of your life do express your innerdiversity? In what areas do you need to “loosen up”?
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Lesson 8
Read The Innocent, pages 71-81
Your score for The Innocent:
Numerical ranking (highest is # 1, lowest is # 12):
The Innocent helps us get our start in life by developing trust, which isessential for learning and personal development. Along the way we learn thatnot all people can be trusted. At this point we have a choice: we can chooseto learn who we can trust, and avoid those we can’t trust; or we can chooseto deny that someone can’t be trusted, and internalize this mistrust intoa sense of inadequacy (which results in saving us from the responsibilityto act). Not a good scenario. As we continue on our journey in life, theInnocent has much to contribute, keeping us on the path of faith and hopein the future. As we become conscious of the Innocent’s place in our lives,we can be sure to keep it healthy and balanced so it can bring us that senseof trust we need.
1. What are the gifts of the Innocent:
2. Is trust always warranted in life?
3. T/F If you did not have a secure, happy childhood, you must becomedysfunctional and stay that way throughout life.
4. T/F The Innocent knows that if the safe garden was possible, itcan be recreated.
5. As we enter each new spiral on the ______, we are _______ and less_________.
6. Saving yourself for the great _____ of your life is about holdingout for your _______ and not just ________ for the pleasures of the _________.
7. T/F The Innocent is prone to denial.
8. T/F The shadow Innocent can lead people into abusive relationships.
9. The Innocent in each of us is as ____________ and __________ asa little child who finds a way to ___________ his or her parents to get needsmet.
10. Eventually the Innocent learns to understand _____ and also tounderstand _______ _________, rather than literally.
Exercise: How active is the role of the Innocent in your life?do you have any signs of a shadow Innocent?
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Lesson 9
Read the Orphan, pages 82-93
Your score for the Orphan:
Numerical Ranking (1 is highest, 12 is lowest):
Let’s face it–we’ve all been wounded. How we deal with that woundednessdetermines what type of Orphan archetype we express. Some will become exiles,some will become Rebels. Others will put on a false persona, turning againstthemselves, or becoming a victim. Recognizing our woundedness, and how wehave denied parts of ourselves, allows us to continue moving toward healing.We can then begin to welcome the prodigal children–the parts of ourselveswho have been alienated by pain–home again.
1. What is the goal of the Orphan?
2. The Orphan archetype is activated when we feel ________, _________,_________, or ____________.
3. T/F We are all somehow orphaned because our parents were human andfallible.
4. In a way, the Orphan is the _______ idealist, the ________ Innocent.
5. The gift of the Orphan archetype is a form of ________ _____-__________.
6. T/F The Orphan is waiting for rescue.
7. T/F The Orphan is reacting to the unrealistic optimism of the Innocent.
8. It is ____________ to avoid _______ that leads the Orphan in usto develop a _______ ________, and to ______ our deepest natures.
9. A great danger to us when we are in our Orphan stage is that our______ and _________ become too ______ and too good an _________.
10. What is the highest level of the Orphan?
11. T/F Woundedness motivates our journeys.
Exercise: In what areas do you express the Orphan? In what areasdo you express the shadow Orphan?
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Lesson 10
Read The Warrior, pages 94-107
Your score for the Warrior:
Numerical ranking (1 is highest, 12 lowest):
Despite the fact that the Warrior image is everywhere in our society, itoften sets off negative connotations. Fighting for what you think is right,however, never totally goes out of style. The Warrior in us all needs tobe developed properly, though, in order to avoid those negative pitfalls.As we learn to fight for what really matters, we develop our own boundariesand help define boundaries for our society at large.
1. What are the fears of the Warrior? Weakness, powerlessness, impotence,ineptitude
2. Warrioring is about ______ our ______ in the world, _______ our ______in the world, and making that world a _________ ____________. claiming, power,establishing, place, better place
3. T/F The Warrior is necessary, above all, to help us let go. False–protectboundaries
4. Why do people have negative feelings about the Warrior archetype? Howcan this be changed? War and violence (often associated with the Warriorarchetype) make people feel negatively toward the Warrior archetype; changeby moving to a higher level of the archetype to defend against predatory,primitive Warriors
5. T/F A real Warrior fights to be superior to others and keep them down.False
6. Why would women want to access the Warrior within? Equal rights, separatesense of identity
7. The negative side of the Warrior is a belief that we must _____ that weare _______ than others. prove, better
8. Compare the true hero to the villain. Hero has humane feeling, values,wants to make the world a better place; villain wants power and control overothers
9. What are the real enemies today? Ignorance, poverty, greed, small-mindedness
10. What are the first two adult archetypes to be integrated into consciousness?Warrior, Caregiver
11. T/F When all four Ego archetypes are developed, the Warrior tends tooperate on a very high level. True
12. Without the Warrior archetype, it is __________ to develop a _______of __________ that is one’s ______ and not another’s. difficult, sense, reality,own
13. T/F Until we have our own boundaries, we need someone else to providethem. True
14. What are the two defenses of the budding Warrior? Secrecy and strategicretreat
15. What are the real inner battles of the highest-level Warrior? Sloth,cynicism, despair, irresponsibility, denial
16. Warrioring in the ________ world requires ________ within a _____ ____and _______ universe. modern; integrity; morally complex; ambiguous
Exercise: In what areas of your life do you express the Warrior? Where doyou express the negative Warrior?
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Lesson 11: The Caregiver
Read pages 108-119
Your score for the Caregiver:
Numerical ranking (1 is highest, 12 lowest):
We all love the Caregiver–or at least the popular representation of thisarchetype. Caregivers are essential to the day-to-day operation of our society.They often do the work that no one else wants to do. But Caregivers needto watch that they make the right choices to preserve their own energies,and avoid expressing themselves in a negative form. The integration of thefour Ego archetypes willhelp keep the Caregiver balanced, and help lead tothe development of the Soul.
1. What are the goals of the Caregiver?
2. T/F The Caregiver’s energies are about setting limits.
3. What does the Tree of Life symbol signify?
4. The Caregiver provides the ___________ from the _______ concerns to thoseof the ________.
5. What are some expressions of the negative Caregiver?
6. T/F The style of our inner Caregiver is not related to that of our parentsor other parental figures in our lives.
7. If the Caregiver comforts but does not develop, it may inadvertently be_________.
8. Give at least 3 examples of Caregiving in our society.
9. The highly developed Caregiver enjoins us to _______ __________–________________.
10. The great lesson of the Caregiver is to be _______ to give ______ and_________ whatever is one’s to give, but also to develop the ________________-____________ required to ______ _________ __________ and one’s own____________.
Exercise: How do you express the Caregiver? Do you have any of its shadowattributes?
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Lesson 12: The Seeker
Read pages 123-135
Your score for The Seeker:
Numerical ranking (1 is highest, 12 lowest):
At various times in our lives–adolescence, early adulthood, mid-life–weoften encournter a desire to leave everything behind in search of something.This quest for authenticity may or may not lead to an actual change in oursurroundings. But properly handled, it leadsus to find truth. Transitionbetween the Ego and the Soul starts here.
1. What is the task of the Seeker?
2. T/F The Seeker seeks to find a better future or found a more perfect world.
3. What urge motivates much of our seeking and striving in life?
4. How can we fufill this urge?
5. At what time of life is the call to the quest most distinct?
6. T/F The choices made by the Seeker are usually what the Ego wants.
7. We reasses our _____________ in the light of the __________ of our _______.
8. We experience the call as a sense of ___________ and __________ in our_________ _____________.
9. T/F The tension between conformity and who we really are is necessaryto development.
10. When we are wandering in the wilderness, one _____ ________ makes iteasier to make all the other changes the _______ _________.
11. The Seeker impulse ______ us to _____________ the ____________.
12. The shadow Seeker manifests itself as an ______ ______ to be __________that keeps us ___________ and __________.
13. T/F The Seeker is the archetype of the transition from Ego to Soul.
14. What is today’s way of finding transcendence?
Exercise: How do you express the Seeker? Do you show any signs of the shadowSeeker?
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Lesson 13: The Destroyer
Read pages 136-147
Your score for The Destroyer:
Numerical ranking (1 is highest, 12 lowest):
How can something negative like destruction possibly have a positive effectin our lives? Often we have a hard time letting go of emotional attachmentsthat are no longer useful to us. And facing our own mortality can also bedifficult. The Destroyer helps us deal with death, whether it’s physicaldeath or loss in any other area.
1. The initiation experience is the double punch of not only recognizing______________ and __________ but doing so in a context in which life itselfhas no _________ ___________.
2. T/F The Ego’s emphasis on safety can lead us to denial.
3. The Destroyer tries to save our _______ by attacking ______ to defendwho we are.
4. The Destroyer often strikes in ways that seem simply __________ and _________.
5. T/F The mysteries of tragedy are never anyone’s fault.
6. Suffering frequently moves us out of ____ ______________.
7. Some people simple ______ the ___________ that comes after the _________because they get stuck in ____________.
8. T/F The Destroyer cannot help us to give up and let go of all that doesn’tserve the journey.
9. The Destroyer begins to become our ______ when we ________ the need to______ or give something up without ________ the ______ or ______ involved.
10. T/F Rebirth follows death.
11. The Destroyer turns us into _______ when we _______ to ____________ andtake ______________ for the harm we do.
Exercise: In what ways do you express the Destroyer? Are there anyareas that show signs of the shadow Destroyer?
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Lesson 14: The Lover
Read pages 148-162
Your score for the Lover:
Numerical ranking (1 is highest, 12 lowest):
All the world loves a lover. Or so the saying goes. Despite the messagesof love all around us–in popular music, movies, television, and books–somethingoften seems to be missing. Perhaps we haven’t really understood what loveis all about. The Lover archetype helps us connect to others, to God (orthe transpersonal), and ultimately to one’s inner self.
1. What is the fear of the Lover?
2. T/F Attachment and bonding is evolved, mental, and emotional.
3. If ______ and ________ are in _______, we can easily use our _____ _____to make decisions, and then life is an easy flow.
4. T/F Prudent and practical choices usually require suppression of Erosand Soul.
5. T/F A strong identity is not necessary to contain an intense passion.
6. Love is the ___________ _________ of the Soul.
7. How do you believe that the denial of Eros could lead to the destructionof the Earth?
8. T/F We can, by Ego control, make love happen.
9. How does the denial of Eros lead to the shadow expression of either sexualaddiction or puritanism?
10. T/F Giving in to an erotic impulse will retard or abort the process ofmentoring.
11. Appropriate _____ ________ means that to the best of our abilities, wedo not ______ ourselves or others to ______ in ways that hurt others.
12. What we _______ outside ourselves usually carries with it the ________________ ________ of the deep ________ of our own _______.
Exercise: In what ways do you express the Lover? Do you have any characteristicsof the shadow Lover?
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Lesson 15: The Creator
Read pages 163-177
Your score for the Creator:
Numerical ranking (1 is highest, 12 lowest):
As we continue in our journey to integrate Ego and Soul, we meet up withthe Creator. Balancing the Ego needs for realistic goals and the Soul’s needfor the fulfillment of a vision is part of our task here. Maximixing ourcreative powers brings imagination, meaning, and beauty to our lives.
1. T/F It is our Souls, not our Egos, that create our lives.
2. What is the fear of the Creator?
3. The secret is not to make a _________ between ________ and the ____________________ ___________ ___________ in the universe.
4. T/F We need to take our journeys, develop a strong Ego, and connect withour Souls to create consciously.
5. It is the _______________ task to ____________ the world around us ina _________ way.
6. T/F Creating a life means coming to recognize the form of our own beauty,whether of body, mind, or character.
7. Contrast the courage of the Warrior with the courage of the Creator.
8. Listening with _________ ____________ to discover what to do next is oneof the most important ________ _________ we have.
9. T/F The Ego encourages creative flow by its judgment and censorship.
10. The Creator pushes us out of _____________ roles to claim our ___________.
11. The result of the ________ of __________ and _________ can be a lifelived at the level of ________ ________.
12. T/F It is dangerous to create only from the Soul.
Exercise: How do you express the Creator? Do you show signs of the shadowCreator?
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Lesson 16: The Ruler
Read pages 181-192
Your score for The Ruler:
Numerical ranking (1 is highest, 12 lowest):
It’s good to be the king. Or the queen. But having the Ruler archetype activein your life is not always easy. The Ruler must coordinate all aspects ofour individual kingdoms and take responsibility for it all. Whew! Along theway, the Ruler can have the opportunity to find the right use for each resourcein his or her kingdom, bringing everything into harmony. Hard work but worthit!
1. What is the gift of the Ruler?
2. The Ruler is ________ because the archetype __________ the wisdom of youthand age, holding them in __________ __________.
3. T/F The Ruler creates a peaceful kingdom by becoming peaceful on the outside.
4. T/F The Ruler must be ready and able to live with the world the way itis.
5. T/F What we create can be no better than the consciousness that inspiresour actions.
6. What is the difference between the creativity of the Creator and the Ruler?
7. The Ruler archetype typically forces a contradiction with what?
8. Shadow Rulers are _______ ________ operating out of a _________ _________,believing that _______ ________ must be ________ _________.
9. Describe briefly the 3 levels of the Ruler.
1st level:
2nd level:
3rd level:
10. How can the Ruler avoid getting locked into old ways?
Exercise: How do you express the Ruler? What about the shadow Ruler?
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Lesson 17: The Magician
Read pages 193-208
Your score for the Magician:
Numerical ranking (1 is highest, 12 lowest):
Magic is good. Magic is bad. Magic is fun. Magic is evil. We get definitemixed messages about the Magician’s role. Most of the archetypal Magician’swork is inside him or herself. Once the transformation is complete on theinside, the Magician’s outer world changes as well. The integration of theMagician then can help the Ruler transform the kingdom. Keep your mind opento the possibilities of the archetypal Magician!
1. What is the power of the Magician?
2. What is the task of the Magician?
3. Define synchronicity.
4. T/F One way to transform your life is by changing the way you name yourexperience.
5. Nothing helps the body and the soul more than _________ on our own ____________________.
6. How can we strengthen the four centers of power and energy?
7. T/F Real power comes from recognizing our control over others.
8. Give some examples of how rituals help us make transitions in our lives.
9. T/F Magicians are prone to both the positive and negative aspects of Ego.
10. The evil sorcerer seeks only to _________ __________.
11. What archetype helps the Magician to develop wisdom?
Exercise: How do you express the Magician? Are there any areas in which youexpress the shadow Magician?
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Lesson 18: The Sage
Read pages 209-219
Your score for the Sage:
Numerical ranking (1 highest, 12 lowest):
The Sage seeks truth in order to find wisdom. And who couldn’t use more wisdom?But there is a process to this; it doesn’t just happen overnight. The journeyof the Sage helps us let go of Ego-level concerns so we can find truth. Thispath, if followed carefully, will lead us to freedom.
1. Sages have little or no need to control or change life; they just wantto ____________ it.
2. What is the goal of the Sage?
3. T/F The Sage learns the appropriate response to each form of expressingtruth.
4. T/F We can see truth beyond ourselves even if we have biases.
5. What is the Sage’s version of the fall from grace?
6. At what stage in life does one return to the search for the absolute?
7. The Sage teaches us that we can never be _____ until we are willing to________ let go of our __________ and ______________ and seek to ______ ourown wills with the _______itself.
8. Summarize the signs of the shadow Sage in a few words.
9. What is the highest achievement of the Sage?
10. Learning to love and commit with attachment brings ________.
Exercise: How do you express the Sage? What about the shadow Sage?
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Lesson 19: The Fool
Read pages 220-231
Your score for The Fool:
Numerical ranking (1 is highest, 12 lowest):
We’re back to talking about balance. The Fool helps us relax and enjoy life,even seemingly serious matters like spiritual enlightenment (which the Foolinterprets as “bliss”). If we can avoid the Fool’s pitfalls, this archetypewill take us full circle, to begin the journey again–at a higher level.
1. What is the gift of the Fool?
2. The Fool speaks of a kind of psychological ________ that is not builtupon __________.
3. Of the 12 archetypes discussed int his book, only the Fool knows how to”______ _______ ________”.
4. During what 3 times of life is the Fool most likely to be active?
5. What political view does the Fool hold?
6. The contribution of the fool to our lives is ___________.
7. What is the danger of playing games?
8. What are some traits of the negative Fool?
9. The shadow Trickster tells us lies about what is required for __________.
10. T/F The transition from clown or Trickster to Wise Fool comes when theFool experiences initiation by love.
11. T/f Humor has no place in the process of enlightenment.
12. What encapsulates the wisdom of the Fool?
Exercise: How do you express the Fool? What about the shadow Fool?
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Lesson 20: From Duality to Wholeness–A Life Stage Model
Read pages 235-256
During the course of our lives, we will meet the 12 archetypes in variousways. The goal is to deal with each pair of seemingly opposing archetypesand bring them into partnership at the time when those dualities presentthemselves. Not many accomplish this feat! Don’t despair, however–we havemany opportunities to integrate these archetypes and live a balanced life.Let the exercises in this chapter help you on this part of your journey.
1. T/F Each major chronological stage of life calls forth 2 archetypes thatseem to be in opposition.
2. What are the 6 major stages of life described int his chapter?
3. T/F Archetypes only emerge at specific times in our lives.
4. List the 6 life issues with their archetypes.
5. The acceptance of life in its __________ is what gives the ______ ______such an expression of ______ and ________.
6. What image symbolically represents the resolution of the duality betweenthe Seeker and the Lover?
7. The best parents, teachers, therapists, and managers integrate elementsof both the Warrior and Caregvier; they can both nurture ________ _______and _______ _________.
8. The result of finding a ___________ ___________ between the Destroyerand Creator within is the capacity for “_____________ _____________”.
9. T/F Both the Ruler and Magician learn to understand that we attract tous what we are.
10. If we resolve the duality of the Sage and Fool into a partnership, webecome _______ __________.
11. T/F Issues with archetypes keep resurfacing until we successfully resolvethem.
12. Generally the hero’s journey moves at each stage through ________ into_______ through the process of ______, _________, and ____________.
13. What are the 6 archetypes of completion?
Exercise 1: Construct your archetypal timeline, stopping at your currentstage. See pages 239-240.
Exercise 2: Score your archetypal pairs. See page 240.
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Lesson 21: Gender and Human Development Over Life Span Top
Read pages 257-272
Which is better–male or female? Of course, we know we should not view ourselvesas better or worse, but simply different. However, our society persists inmaking value judgments. We have the opportunity to not only overcome thoseimages of male and female from our culture, but to allow ourselves to betransformed by the union of male and female elements in the archetypes inour lives. We can choose to flow between male and female as needed throughoutour journeys.
1. T/F Patriarchy teaches sex roles equally.
2. T/F All gender differences are not necessarily a result of wounding.
3. Gender influences our basic stance in life, whether or not we see ourselvesas “_______________________” or “_____________________”.
4. What are the two typically feminine archetypes?
5. What are the two typically masculine archetypes?
6. The challenge for women is to open to the __________. The challenge formen is to open to the _________.
7. Whether one is male or female, the journey calls for __________.
8. The Superman/Superwoman image could be called ________ ___________.
9. T/F The birth of the true self always comes out of a marriage of the innerman and woman.
10. Dealing with gender is like peeling the skin of an ________–we do soin _________.
Exercise 1: How have you been wounded by sex role conditioning? How haveyou been empowered?
Exercise 2: Chart your journey according to the box on page 264.
Exercise 3: How do you express genuine androgyny?
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Lesson 22: Gender, Diversity, and the Transformation of Culture
Read pages 273-288
We are children of our culture. This is an uncomfortable thought for somewho have come to see the dangers of our culture. Our personal history, familybackground, and the society in which we live all come together to make uswho we are. But this doesn’t mean we have nothing to learn from other traditions.Understanding others’ perspectives and lifestyles adds both richness andchallenge to our lives, and helps foster understanding on a greater levelas well.
1. T/F Each journey is individual, and not affected by culture, history,or gender.
2. If we want a transformed kingdom, we will need to _________ the potentialfor ________ and the capacity for ________ of all people.
3. What are the archetypes most prominent in woman-centered societies?
4. What are the patriarchal archetypes?
5. When there is an overemphasis on Ego, what is cut off?
6. Which archetype hasn’t yet emerged on a worldwide scale?
7. As Western cultures have developed the virtues of _________________, Easterncultures have developed the virtues of ________ ____________.
8. T/F It is important that we do exist within a cultural tradition and thatwe take responsibility for the strengths and weaknesses of that tradition.
9. The lack of appreciation of various ___________ ___________ threatensthe _________ of important _______ __________.
10. What is the heroic challenge before humanity today?
Exercise: Do the archetype circles on page 286, using the archetypal qualitiesof cultures to help you identify each ring.
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Lesson 23: Claiming Your Life Myth
Read pages 289-297
Who are you, really? Most folks will answer that question by describing whatthey do. But in order to find our way in life, we must know who we ARE. Otherscan sometimes block this understanding by placing restrictions and limitationson us. However, we are ultimately responsible for our own lives. Understandingthe archetypes that are active in our life stories will help us uncover thereal person inside, and help us live an authentic, balanced life.
1. T/F To know your story is to know who you are.
2. The danger of not knowing one’s ______ _______ is that it is possibleto be continually _______ _______ by the standard of a _______ that is notone’s own.
3. Most scripts, taken literally, hurt us by __________ with our __________.
4. T/F Scripts can be reinterpreted to find another meaning.
5. T/F Personal myths never need to be updated.
6. List the 5 steps of finding your great story.
7. T/F Fears of “too much, too little” can block us from finding our truestory.
Exercise 1: With which of the archetypes and their stories (see page 291)do you identify?
Exercise 2: What is your personal script? How does it limit you? What lessonscan you learn from it?
Exercise 3: What archetypes have been most active in your life? Which onesdo you need to develop in order to reach your potential in life?
Exercise 4: Write in a few paragraphs (100-300 words) how this course hasaffected your life. How do you see yourself now, as opposed to how you sawyourself before doing these lessons?