Rune graffiti on this lion was carved by the |
Runes, Glyphs of Power & SpiritOffsite Articles Runes: Spiritual Anchor Lesson: Introduction to by Initiate Oiled Lamp I. Where do Runes come from? The word “rune” means whisper, mystery, and secret wisdom, or “that which is communicated orally.” Runes have a purely magikal origin, and like the mystical Hebrew alphabet, they are believed to form the web of life upon which Creation is woven. The runes are based on knowledge of the pulsating rhythms of life, of Nature, its seasons and cycles, and the planetary movements. They are glyphs of Cosmic Forces which were divinely revealed to humankind, and they operate on all levels and dimensions, providing an oracle of spiritual progress, protection, divination, and guidance for all life’s situations and events. Runes are perhaps one of the more obscure occult alphabets, but they benefit from their relatively recent rediscovery by being one of the purer languages of wisdom and divination. Despite their unusual appearance, the runes are structured around a model that lends easily to correspondence with nearly every other major occult system in the world. This makes the runes not only a valuable system for the Heathen initiate, but also provides a fascinating study for other occultists, who can find a wonderful cataloging system in the runic alphabet with a unique power all its own. |
Prior to 200 BCE, certain purely magikal symbols such as the swastika, the cross, and the Sun-wheel were engraved on rocks in Northern Europe for ritual purposes. During the next four hundred years, these proto-runic symbols were adapted into the Germanic Elder Futhark alphabet composed of 24 characters. This is the oldest extant runic system (thus the name “Elder”), and is named Futhark after the first six letters of the alphabet (FUThARK). This alphabet was developed in response to the impact of Italian and Greek alphabets moving northward from the Mediterranean, and the resemblance between Futhark and Greek is striking. Both are composed of 24 letters divided into three groups of eight letters each, and both use the same system of numerical correspondence. Julius Caesar commented in his “Gallic Wars” that the alphabet of the Gauls (runes) resembled Greek, and the former is probably partially derived from the latter, giving runes a relationship by correspondence to the Hebrew mystery tradition, as well as the Greek and Celtic systems.
Here’s a good article on the History of Runes, but you will not be quizzed on it.
As Germanic civilization expanded outward after the fall of Rome, its language adapted to meet new linguistic needs. In England the 24-character Elder Futhark alphabet grew to form the Anglo-Saxon Futhork of 33 characters, and at about the same time the Danes adapted the Elder Futhark into the 16-character Younger Futhark, which around 1100 CE was transported to Norway and Sweden. There the Danish “square” script was replaced by the Norwegian-Swedish cursive script known as the ‘Short Twig” runes. This sixteen symbol runic alphabet corresponded to a cultural high point in Germanic civilization, and most versions of the Rune Poem still in existence – which provide the metaphorical imagery necessary to “decode” the runes – were written using Younger Futhark. The Norse calendar system was also created using the Younger Futhark alphabet combined with three additional symbols, giving every day of the year a corresponding rune or combination of runes. This system will be elaborated on in a later lesson.
In 1908 Guido von List published “Secret of the Runes” which documented the modern German revival of runic lore. The occult symbolism of the modern Armanen Futhark, composed of 18 characters, was discussed at length, and found its ultimate application in Adolf Kummer’s “Holy Runes Power”, published in 1932, which became the basis of the Nazi’s use of runes and their development of nationalistic, Teutonic Paganism in that decade.
The runic system taught in this lesson will concentrate on Elder Futhark for the following reasons. First, as the oldest rune alphabet available, it is possibly the most “pure” in terms of what our ancestors actually used in a magikal sense. The Younger Futhark, and particularly the Anglo Saxon Futhork, were both developed mainly for prosaic purposes, as opposed to the esoteric and divination purposes of the Elder Futhark. This is what necessitated the Elder Futhark alphabet’s adaptation during the Middle Ages when the occult origins of the alphabet were obscured by the encroachment of Christianity, and the Germanic people needed an alphabet for more ordinary communication instead. This not only makes Elder Futhark the older, purer system, but also the better adapted to esoteric use, since its structure and correspondences provide a large and thorough occult vocabulary. This is not to invalidate the various other runic alphabets, however; all of them have their individual strengths, Younger Futhark in particular, but for our present purposes the Elder Futhark alphabet will serve us best.
II. What does each Rune mean?
The following is a dictionary of the Elder Futhark runes and their occult correspondences. These include the rune symbol, the rune letter, the rune name, its “Aett” or octave (one of the three divisions of eight letters which corresponds to a deity, a “world”, and a “force.” Aett means “eight”), its definition and meaning, its corresponding Greek letter, its serial value, its Pythagorean number value, its astrological association with the corresponding Hebrew Banner Name based on the Tetragrammaton, its planetary correspondence when applicable, its Tree correspondence, and the corresponding letter from the Celtic Ogham and Beth-Luis-Nion alphabets, when applicable. Understanding these different correspondences will help you translate traditional Eastern and Western occult systems into runic cosmology and use a more Teutonic vocabulary in your magik workings.
All of this should provide a thorough basis in runic lore which will allow you to grow familiar with the runes and their meanings and applications.
Exercise: In order to better accomplish this, it is suggested that you make a deck of “rune cards” with the appropriate correspondences written on them. My deck has the rune symbol written on the front of the card, with the letter and rune name at the bottom, and the various meanings and correspondences written on the back. Some of the rune symbols may seem difficult to draw at first (most of them are fairly simple), but with a little practice they will seem like second nature, which is a fantastic way to grow familiar with them and their meaning. These cards not only serve as an excellent study aid, but they can also serve as a rune oracle much like Tarot cards (writing the rune name and letter on the bottom of the front of the card comes in handy in this context, since you can easily tell when the rune is reversed). You might even choose to laminate and/or decorate them for this purpose. Traditional divination runes will be described later in this lesson, but while you are familiarizing yourself with the runes this system may be more valuable to you than a traditional bag of rune stones.
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Letter: F
Name: Fehu/Feoh Aett: 1st, Freya, Earth, psychological Meaning: Cattle; Wealth; Fulfillment, Power, Material Gain, Greed. REV: Disappointments, Loss, Money problems, Arguments Greek Letter: Alpha (A) Serial Value: 1 Pythagorean Value: 1 Astrological: Aries Ascending Banner Name: YHVH Planets: Moon, Saturn Tree: Elder Ogham Letter: Ailm (A) BLN Letter: Ailm (A) |
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Letter: U
Name: Uruz/Ur Aett: 1st, Freya, Earth, psychological Meaning: Ox; Strength; Promotion, Health, Distant Influences. REV: Weak Will, Low Energy, Illness, Missed Opportunities Greek Letter: Beta (B) Serial Value: 2 Pythagorean Value: 2 Astrological: Taurus Ascending Banner Name: HHVY Planets: n/a Tree: Birch Ogham Letter: Beth (B) BLN Letter: Beith (B) |
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Letter: Th
Name: Thurisaz/Thorn Aett: 1st, Freya, Earth, psychological Meaning: Giant; Protection; Counsel, Non-Action, Luck, Warning. REV: Stubborn, Foolhardy, Doesn’t Heed Advice, Folly. Greek Letter: Gamma (G) Serial Value: 3 Pythagorean Value: 3 Astrological: Gemini Ascending Banner Name: VHHY Planets: n/a Tree: Thorn Ogham Letter: Gort (G) BLN Letter: Gort (G) |
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Letter: A
Name: Ansuz/As Aett: 1st, Freya, Earth, psychological Meaning: God; Wisdom; Mouth, Signal, Apprentice, Tests, Inspirations, Advice. REV: Trickery, Interference, Dilettante, Deceit, Dissipation Greek Letter: Delta (D) Serial Value: 4 Pythagorean Value: 4 Astrological: Cancer Ascending Banner Name: HVHY Planets: n/a Tree: Oak Ogham Letter: Dair (D) BLN Letter: Duir (D) |
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Letter: R
Name: Raido/Rad Aett: 1st, Freya, Earth, psychological Meaning: Wheel; Journey; Messages, Career, Right Action, Control. REV: Upset in Plans, Delays, Unexpected Travel, Lost. Greek Letter: Epsilon (E) Serial Value: 5 Pythagorean Value: 5 Astrological: Leo Ascending Banner Name: YVHH Planets: Mercury, Jupiter Tree: Ash Ogham Letter: Edad (E) BLN Letter: Eghadh (E) |
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Letter: K
Name: Kaunaz/Ken Aett: 1st, Freya, Earth, psychological Meaning: Wood; Energy; Torch; Opening, Positivity, Lust, Rapport, Knowledge. REV: Terminations, Facing Up to Death, Giving Up the Old Greek Letter: Zeta (Z) Serial Value: 6 Pythagorean Value: 7 Astrological: Virgo Ascending Banner Name: HYVH Planets: n/a Tree: Pine Ogham Letter: Straif (Z) BLN Letter: n/a |
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Letter: G
Name: Gebo/Gifu Aett: 1st, Freya, Earth, psychological Meaning: Gift; Partners; Love, Gifts, Fortune, Divine Union. REV: Problems with roots of an emotional nature. Greek Letter: Eta (H) Serial Value: 7 Pythagorean Value: 8 Astrological: Libra Ascending Banner Name: VHYH Planets: Venus, Mars Tree: Elm Ogham Letter: Huath (H) BLN Letter: Huath (H) |
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Letter: W
Name: Wunjo/Wynn Aett: 1st, Freya, Earth, psychological Meaning: Wind; Harmony; Blessings, Joy, Affection, Desire. REV: Dissatisfaction, Misery, Fear, Impatience, Headstrong. Greek Letter: Theta (Th) Serial Value: 8 Pythagorean Value: 9 Astrological: Scorpio Ascending Banner Name: HHYV Planets: n/a Tree: Ash Ogham Letter: Oir (Th) or (Oi) BLN Letter: n/a |
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Letter: H
Name: Hagalez/Hagal Aett: 2nd, Hagal, Warrior, practical Meaning: Hail; Limits; Upheavals, Risks, Delays, Shadows. REV: Disruptive Forces, Negative Payoffs. Greek Letter: Iota (I) Serial Value: 9 Pythagorean Value: 10 Astrological: Sagittarius Ascending Banner Name: YHHV Planets: Sun Tree: Yew Ogham Letter: Idad (I) BLN Letter: Iodha (I) |
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Letter: N
Name: Nauthiz/Nyd Aett: 2nd, Hagal, Warrior, practical Meaning: Need; Patience; Omens, Stress, Constraint, Obstacles, Necessity. REV: Wrong Directions, Possessive, Inappropriate. Greek Letter: Kappa (K) Serial Value: 10 Pythagorean Value: 20 Astrological: Capricorn Ascending Banner Name: HYHV Planets: n/a Tree: Beech Ogham Letter: Coll (C) BLN Letter: Coll (C) |
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Letter: I
Name: Isa/Is Aett: 2nd, Hagal, Warrior, practical Meaning: Ice; Static; Freezing, Standstill, Energy Loss, Cooling, Separation, Focus, Privacy, Ill Feelings. REV: Breech of Loyalty. Greek Letter: Lambda (L) Serial Value: 11 Pythagorean Value: 30 Astrological: Aquarius Ascending Banner Name: VYHH Planets: n/a Tree: Alder Ogham Letter: Luis (L) BLN Letter: Luis (L) |
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Letter: J
Name: Jera Aett: 2nd, Hagal, Warrior, practical Meaning: Year; Harvest; Legalities, Reward, Peace, Commitment. REV: Fruition Cannot Be Rushed, Seasonal. Greek Letter: Mu (M) Serial Value: 12 Pythagorean Value: 40 Astrological: Pisces Ascending Banner Name: HVYH Planets: n/a Tree: Oak Ogham Letter: Muin (M) BLN Letter: Muin (M) |
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Letter: Eo
Name: Eihwaz/Eoh Aett: 2nd, Hagal, Warrior, practical Meaning: Yew; Rune Stave; Calendar; Rebirth; Persevere, Quest, Conflict, Success. REV: Stagnation, Undoing, Inactivity, Tensions. Greek Letter: Nu (N) Serial Value: 13 Pythagorean Value: 50 Astrological: Pisces Descending Banner Name: HVYH Planets: n/a Tree: Poplar Ogham Letter: Nin (N) BLN Letter: Nion (N) |
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Letter: P
Name: Perth/Peorth Aett: 2nd, Hagal, Warrior, practical Meaning: Dice; Destiny; Mystery, Secrets, Sexuality, Initiation. REV: Revealed Secrets, Unexpected Results, Disloyal. Greek Letter: Xi (X) Serial Value: 14 Pythagorean Value: 60 Astrological: Aquarius Descending Banner Name: VYHH Planets: n/a Tree: Aspen Ogham Letter: Emhan Coll (X) or (Ae) BLN Letter: n/a |
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Letter: Z
Name: Algiz/Elhaz Aett: 2nd, Hagal, Warrior, practical Meaning: Elk; Friendship; Protection, Defense, Optimism, Aspiration, Fortunate, Soul. REV: Used by Others, Wait, Mislead, Vulnerable. Greek Letter: Omicron (O) Serial Value: 15 Pythagorean Value: 70 Astrological: Capricorn Descending Banner Name: HYHV Planets: Mars, Venus Tree: Yew Ogham Letter: Orn (O) BLN Letter: Onn (O) |
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Letter: S
Name: Sowelu/Sigel Aett: 2nd, Hagal, Warrior, practical Meaning: Sun; Victory; Clear Vision, Honor, Achievement, Rest, Mostly Positive Rune. REV: Self-Centered. Greek Letter: Pi (P) Serial Value: 16 Pythagorean Value: 80 Astrological: Sagittarius Descending Banner Name: YHHV Planets: n/a Tree: Bay Ogham Letter: Uillenn (P) or (Ui) BLN Letter: Peth-bog (P) |
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Letter: T
Name: Teiwaz/Tyr Aett: 3rd, Tyr, Heaven, organizational Meaning: Spear; Arrow; Warrior; Mars; Pole-star; Sacrifice, Intrigue, Courage, Justice. REV: Blocked Energy, Listless, Questionable Motives. Greek Letter: Rho (R) Serial Value: 17 Pythagorean Value: 100 Astrological: Scorpio Descending Banner Name: HHYV Planets: n/a Tree: Fir Ogham Letter: Ruis (R) BLN Letter: Saille (S) |
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Letter: B
Name: Berkana/Beorc Aett: 3rd, Tyr, Heaven, organizational Meaning: Birch; Tree; Purity; Becoming, Birth, Great Mother. REV: Family Problems and Needs, Anxiety, Worry. Greek Letter: Sigma (S) Serial Value: 18 Pythagorean Value: 200 Astrological: Libra Descending Banner Name: VHYH Planets: n/a Tree: Birch Ogham Letter: Sail (S) BLN Letter: Tinne (T) |
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Letter: E
Name: Ehwaz/Eh Aett: 3rd, Tyr, Heaven, organizational Meaning: Horse; Course of Sun; Progress; Future, Changes, Movement, Trust. REV: Long Journeys, Sudden Change, Timing. Greek Letter: Tau (T) Serial Value: 19 Pythagorean Value: 300 Astrological: Virgo Descending Banner Name: HYVH Planets: n/a Tree: Holly Ogham Letter: Oir (Th) or (Oi) BLN Letter: Ur (U) |
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Letter: M
Name: Mannaz/Man Aett: 3rd, Tyr, Heaven, organizational Meaning: Man; Human Race; The Self; Modesty, Thought, Altruism, Creative. REV: Selfish, Uninvolved, Victim, Egotism, Alone. Greek Letter: Upsilon (U) Serial Value: 20 Pythagorean Value: 400 Astrological: Leo Descending Banner Name: YVHH Planets: Jupiter, Mercury Tree: Willow Ogham Letter: Uir (U) BLN Letter: n/a |
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Letter: L
Name: Lagu Aett: 3rd, Tyr, Heaven, organizational Meaning: Water; Sea; Emotions; Psychic, Feminine, Dreams, Intuition. REV: Escaping, Temptations, Greed, Against Conscience. Greek Letter: Phi (Ph) Serial Value: 21 Pythagorean Value: 500 Astrological: Cancer Descending Banner Name: HVHY Planets: n/a Tree: Apple Ogham Letter: Iphin (Ph) or (Io) BLN Letter: n/a |
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Letter: Ng
Name: Inguz/Ing Aett: 3rd, Tyr, Heaven, organizational Meaning: Hero; Fertility; Potential; Freedom, Conclusion, Consequence. REV: Marking Endings and Beginnings, Milestones. Greek Letter: Chi (Ch) Serial Value: 22 Pythagorean Value: 600 Astrological: Gemini Descending Banner Name: VHHY Planets: n/a Tree: Thorn Ogham Letter: Ebad (Ch) or (Ea) BLN Letter: n/a |
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Letter: D
Name: Daguz/Daeg Aett: 3rd, Tyr, Heaven, organizational Meaning: Day; Ambition; Light, Breakthrough, Growth, Cosmic Consciousness. REV: Attitude, Radical Change. Greek Letter: Psi (Ps) Serial Value: 23 Pythagorean Value: 700 Astrological: Taurus Descending Banner Name: HHVY Planets: n/a Tree: Pine Ogham Letter: n/a BLN Letter: n/a |
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Letter: O
Name: Othila/Odal Aett: 3rd, Tyr, Heaven, organizational Meaning: Home; Property; Retreat; Heritage, Dwellings, Mountains to Climb. REV: Reckless, Frustration, Legal Problems, Hassled. Greek Letter: Omega (O) Serial Value: 24 Pythagorean Value: 800 Astrological: Aries Descending Banner Name: YHVH Planets: Saturn, Moon Tree: Spruce Ogham Letter: n/a BLN Letter: n/a |
III. Divination
Most rune sets used for divination today are not made from cards, but from ceramic tiles with the rune painted on one side. In ancient times these rune sets or “staves” would have been made from wood, particularly yew, and carved with the rune symbol. For the Celts and Teutons, like most Pagan peoples, trees had special magikal significance based on their individual qualities. This was perhaps related to their seeming immortality; trees live for hundreds, even thousands of years, budding and blooming and shedding their leaves in accord with the seasons, in an eternal cycle of death and rebirth. The motif of the Tree of Life is found not only in Druid, Teutonic, and Hebrew traditions, but in ancient American religion as well. The pine and other coniferous trees can seem even more mysterious, since they alone are impervious to winter’s approach and keep their greenery even in winter (which is probably how the symbol of the birth and life of the Sun God in the middle of the darkest season of the year became the pine or “Christmas” tree). Trees were also used to represent letters in the alphabet, particularly in the Druid traditions as in the case of the Ogham and Beth-Luis-Nion alphabets, and so were a natural source of material to illustrate letters. For these reasons rune staves were often made out of wood, and also because wood was a common product in the Teutonic regions that could be easily harvested.
Runes were also made out of bone in some circumstances, probably because it was also an easily procured product, and because it lasted longer than wood, and because bone, like wood, came from a living animal or person with its own magikal power. Some traditions say runes were sometimes painted with blood instead of simply carved, but the practicality of such a practice makes it unlikely; even if the artisan could have bled themselves enough to paint all the runes in their blood brightly enough to see, the symbol would have rubbed off rather easily. Still, many modern rune makers paint their rune symbols red in honor of this tradition. More likely bones were differentiated by their individual shapes than by painted symbols, but this more ancient tradition could have melded together with the rune symbols and created its own system of divination in some clans.
Until you become familiar with the rune symbols and at least their basic meanings, it is recommended that you use your correspondence cards to practice divination. Once you have learned these, you may want to obtain your own authentic set of rune staves, however. You might like to make your own, or you can purchase a set. The following off-site webpage gives instructions on how to make your own set of runes:
And if you’d like to purchase a set, the following artisan makes authentic, high quality sets in a variety of different woods. They also provide much interesting information on the different properties of the woods so you can choose a type best suited to your needs:
Now for the methods of divination.
It is important to have a divination surface dedicated to your runes, such as a cloth or a piece of hide embroidered with special symbols and/or decorated with special stones, amulets, or other symbols along its corners. Feel free to burn incense, play music, or practice any other ritual helps for your divination. Rune castings are best performed during a waxing Moon, just after a New Moon or prior to a Full Moon. Avoid casting during the dark of the Moon. The most common method for casting the runes is called “swirling”, where the diviner places all the runes face down on the cloth. Ask a specific question and while concentrating on it for a few minutes hold your hands 3-4 inches above the runes. Then swirl the runes clockwise mixing them with your hands. Or, hold the runes cupped in your hands, concentrating on the question, and then toss the runes onto the cloth. Randomly select and place each rune facedown in its casting position (see below). If doing a cross, for instance, pick a rune and place it in position “1st”. Select another for position “2nd”, and so on. Read each rune, one at a time, from its meaning for each cast position.
Like in Tarot, there are several different spreads you can use. The elemental cross looks like this:
4th | ||
1st | 2nd | 3rd |
5th |
1 – Past
2 – Present
3 – Help
4 – Obstacles, Challenge
5 – Outcome, Future
There are also several “three rune” methods, as illustrated here:
1st | 2nd | 3rd |
Past – Present – Future
Present – Action – Result
Or Yes/No, when all three runes in the spread are upright it means yes, when they are all reversed it means no, and when they are mixed the answer is iffy.
You may also perform a single rune divination where you ask a yes/no question and choose a single rune from your pouch. Unfold your hand. If the rune is upright it means yes, if it is reversed it means no. This works for questions like, “Will a significant person be entering my life soon?” or “Is money a concern right now?” You may also garner specific information regarding your question from the rune meaning itself. You may also select a rune from your pouch each morning to determine which energies are flowing in (upright) and out (reversed) of your life. Rune meanings can present the opportunities and challenges of our lives.
Another popular casting method is called the Destiny Wheel, where the practitioner draws two circles, one inside the other, on their divination cloth and casts seven runes from their pouch. The innermost circle is your karmic destiny (past-fate); the second circle is the mental-emotional influence; and outside that circle is the physical influence.
IV. Rune Earth Wheel
The following chart may be of some use to you as you explore the magikal uses of runes and their divinatory power. Notice how each astrological sign can be divided into three runes, which correspond to the decanates, and how each rune corresponds to a specific set of natural circumstances. You may want to meditate on this chart as you become more proficient with the runes in order to determine further esoteric meaning for each symbol.
Questions Top
1. T or F: Runes have a purely magikal origin, and like the mystical Hebrew alphabet, they are believed to form the web of life upon which Creation is woven.
2. T or F: The runes are based on knowledge of the pulsating rhythms of life, of Nature, its seasons and cycles, and the planetary movements.
3. Fill in the blanks: Runes are glyphs of ___________ which were divinely ___________ to humankind, and they operate on all levels and ____________.
4. T or F: Runes are one of the purer languages of wisdom and divination.
5. T or F: Runes are a divination system only useful for the Heathen initiate.
6. What are three proto-runic magikal symbols?
7. Fill in the blank: The oldest extant runic alphabet is called _________________.
8. T or F: The first rune alphabet was developed in response to the impact of Italian and Greek alphabets moving northward from the Mediterranean.
9. Fill in the blanks: Both ________ and __________ are composed of 24 letters divided into three groups of eight letters each, and both use the same system of numerical correspondence.
10. Fill in the blanks: Elder Futhark has ______ characters, Anglo Saxon Futhork has _____ characters, and Younger Futhark has _____ characters.
11. Fill in the blank: The Norse calendar system was created using the _________ alphabet combined with three additional symbols.
12. The Nazis used the __________ Futhark alphabet.
13. T or F: The Younger Futhark is the best rune alphabet for esoteric purposes.
14. Exercise: Create a set of rune cards with the rune symbol, letter, and name on the front and the rune correspondences on the back. Memorize them.
15. What does the word “Aett” mean?
16. T or F: In ancient times rune sets or “staves” would have been made from wood, particularly yew, and carved with the rune symbol.
17. Which rune symbol means both “yew” and “rune stave?”
18. Why did trees have a sacred significance in ancient Celtic and Teutonic religion?
19. What Christian tradition celebrates this belief?
20. Fill in the blanks: The motif of the Tree of Life is found in Druid, Teutonic, _________, and ancient _________ religion.
21. T or F: Trees were also used to represent letters in the alphabet, particularly in the Druid traditions as in the case of the Ogham and Beth-Luis-Nion alphabets, and so were a natural source of material to illustrate letters.
22. Please list three reasons runes were sometimes made out of bone.
23. When should you avoid casting runes for divination?
24. Please describe one method of rune divination.