Esoteric Mystery School | ||
Lesson Three, Catechumen Phase
YHVH Method for making the sign of the
Make the sign of the cross saying the syllables, Yahd, Heh, Vahv, and
Heh as you touch first forehead, abdomen, right shoulder and left
shoulder. Do this several times, taking notice of the placement of
the letters. Think Hehs = Feminine and Y and V = Masculine. What
might Yahd have to do with the forehead, the “third eye”? And Vahv, the Sacred
Son, what does he have to do with the right arm/shoulder/hand? (He
sits on God’s right hand). Notice the feminine Hehs are at the
abdomen—sexuality, pregnancy, “kingdom” and earth-motherness—and
left shoulder, the hidden “left-hand path,” always associated with Yin and
the feminine.