Esoteric Mystery SchoolCatechumen Phase Lesson 5 has Three Chapters & the Baptism Pledge Making the Pledge, Final Part of Cat Lessons |
Why do people do the baptism thing? Where did water ritual come from and
what is the big deal about getting dunked under and having some words said
over you?
Baptism is an ancient form of initiation. An initiation is a new beginning, starting on a new path. Mystery Schools and “secret” organizations require members to go through an initiation before joining. The early Kristian Church was no exception. Back then there were no churches with steeples sitting around town, no wooden pews either. During the earliest days of Kristianity, right after Yeshua ascended back to the Divine Father, people were still worshipping in huge stone temples that resemble the ones on nickels, pennies and dollar bills. Look at your money some time and see the $5 bill’s nice picture of the Lincoln Memorial, an exact replica (though smaller) of the Parthenon, that goddess temple whose name means “virgin woman.” (Referring to Athena). Crowds of people would come to ancient temples, including the Jewish one in Jerusalem, and watch the priests light fires, burn incense and send their prayers up to their gods and goddesses. This was your average “church service” in Yeshua’s time and for 300 years after.
The only form of “baptism” practiced by the early Jewish priests was a form of water splashing and dousing called “lustrations.” They had sacred pools of water in the Temple for this and the priests did it once a day and always before performing any sacrificial rituals. This stress on purification before ritual is found in ancient Egyptian and Babylonian religions, too.
In addition to the Temple in Jerusalem, which was the ultimate House of God (or Bedchamber of the Goddess, as some Kabbalists call it), the Jews of Yeshua’s time had synagogue buildings, especially in Palestine (modern-day Israel) Turkey and Greece. A synagogue is a lot like a modern church. It was a small building, not a huge temple, and the word is Greek for, “meeting-house.” The Hebrews built the first synagogues in towns that were located too far from the Jerusalem Temple. Galilee, in northern Israel, has the remains of several synagogues, including one in which Yeshua actually preached in the town Capernaum. Then after 70 AD when Herod’s Temple was burned and completely razed by the Romans, and the Jewish people had to leave their homeland, Jewish synagogues sprang up all over the Mediterranean world.
After the House Church era was over, when Kristianity became legal (313 AD), many of the very first churches were designed to be like the synagogue meeting-houses. A few were made almost like grand Temples, too. Emperor Constantine had every single one of the Zeus temples “remodelled” into Yeshua edifices.
There were no mosques yet, because the religion of Islam wasn’t founded until 600 years later. The Muslims therefore didn’t exist yet, they were still worshipping either the Jewish god, Yahweh called El by them, or other pagan gods. The name El became Ellah and then turned into Allah. Allah is the same God-the-Father worshipped by Jews and Christians today and as we discussed in a previous lesson, these three religions are called “the Desert Religions” implying they are all alike in some way. Their differences are usually emphasized, however, and the main similarity seems to be that they all started out in the desert and all of them have one male god. Well, now, the Muslims and Jews would disagree with that and point out that the Christians do not have one god, but three. They don’t buy into what they think is a weak argument for the Trinity being “three but one.” Yeah, right, they say and cry, “polytheism.” This assessment is not altogether inaccurate. The pagan flavor of Kristianity comes out in the Trinity. Can’t have just one god, said the Greek and Roman (not one Jew) bishops who invented the Trinity in the summer of 325 at Nicea, Turkey.
Back to the baptism rite of early Kristianity. Not everyone could travel all the way to the big temples to worship, and only a few towns had synagogues, so they had to worship out in nature or in someone’s house. Nature is a great place to feel God, so it’s easy to see why they chose that. Also, it seems our souls are always attracted to bodies of water. When we go for recreation or spiritual connecting we like maybe a river, pond, waterfall if we’re lucky, but at least a stream. And trees, maybe rocks, too. Mountains always made a dramatic place to gather but not every geographic region has mountains. But wherever humans are there must be water, without it we die in 3 days. Water is life and life is sacred, so water is sacred—and we instinctively know this.
New members of the primitive Kristian Mystery School were initiated by water baptism. First they were required to study a few things, learn the basic teachings of Yeshua, the Master of the first School, and then they made a pledge to accept the mission, share in the destiny of the god-man-teacher. Modern churches still do the pledge followed by the water thing—but with oh so many different variations and rituals added on. Also now we have Bibles. Everybody and anybody can get a bible these days. Secret doctrines, sacred texts, the script of the gods—all laid bare for us. Back then, no way. Heck, the thing wasn’t even totally written and put together until 300 years after Yeshua’s resurrection.
So what books did members study for the first 300 years of Christianity? They had the Hebrew Bible, which translated into Greek was called the Septuagint and was a Bible Yeshua would have studied, perhaps at length. Some early house churches and meeting houses had copies of one or two of the Gospels. The Gospels were very popular bestsellers. As you know, they are the first four books of the New Testament and they read like story-books. They are not sermons in letter form like most of the rest of the New Testament. They tell the stories of Yeshua’s childhood, teaching career, life and death. These Gospel bestsellers got copied over and over again—always by hand of course—everything was done by hand until 500 years ago. Eventually, the meetinghouses of most major cities and large towns had a nice, handwritten copy of one or two of the Gospels.
Some very famous mail.
Many of the meetinghouses, the early “churches,” had copies of Paul’s letters. Paul, that fanatical preacher-man who, when he wasn’t in prison, was always on the road. He went around to cities and towns starting new house churches. To keep the churches on track, he would write sermons and lessons in letters and send them. These letters became very popular and got passed around to all the churches, most of which were hundreds of miles apart. Anyway, you’ve heard of these letters, the most famous ones got turned into “books” of the Bible such as Corinthians, Timothy, Romans, Colossians—all those short little New Testament books called “Epistles.” Epistle is a fancy word for Letter. The thing about Paul was he could write a great letter and throw a sermon in there, too, even a little hymn or poetry. People loved to read his stuff.
Okay, so now we have an idea of what people like you and I were studying back in the first century AD. They had a few things they could read (most people didn’t know how to read, however, and would go to church to hear the books read out loud) and there were lots of stories that passed by word of mouth. The most popular story of course was the one in which Jesus got raised from the dead. That was the proof that he was divine. Everyone told that story until even the pagans had heard it.
A new member, or someone like you or me who wanted to dedicate their life to Yeshua’s Way, would learn from the elders, go once a week to study and worship at a special spot either outside or in someone’s house and would start to talk to God regularly (pray). Most of the early “church buildings” were really the houses of the members.
There were only so many ways to baptize someone. Some groups believed in taking a new recruit to the local river and dunking them all the way under, as Yeshua experienced. Other groups believed that pouring water over the head of the new person was enough. And some only sprinkled the water. All of these are fine. The idea is to come in contact with the element of water which symbolizes four things.
1. Cleansing 2. Birth 3. Life 4. “Blood” of the Earth The cleansing function of water is obvious. Our bodies use it both inside and out for purity. |
Note that this artist portrays Yeshua standing on the ground by the river bank and has John use the pouring method of baptism. |
The birth connection can be seen if we look back to our own experience of it. We are all born into this world after our mother’s water breaks. Unborn babies live like a fish inside the mother. Air is not an option. We all spent our time in the womb surrounded by a nice warm watery environment that gave us all we needed to survive.
We already pointed out that water is life because without it we’re dead. The “waters of life” can refer to the birth-water or to spiritually “charged” water such as holy water.
Water is the blood of Mother Earth, the rivers are like her veins. It is a universal elixir of life and one of the most powerful forces on earth. Water eventually breaks down all things, yet is the great communicating channel for nature. Very much like our blood-stream. Indeed, our bodies are made up of 80 per cent water, and the blood has a salty taste like the primordial waters of the Sea. Our ritual of throwing a bit of salt into holy water or baptismal water honors this connection as well as Yeshua’s statement, “ye are the salt of the world.”
Please copy and paste the following questions and exercises onto your Catechumen Lesson “Discussion” on your Ning MemberFiles page. Next, insert your answers, then to submit your answers click on the “Add Reply” button.
Cat5 Quiz A Answers from _____________ (your spiritual name)
1. List the three ways to come in contact with the water during baptism.
2. Baptism is an ancient form of _________________.
3. What’s the name for the group of books that tell the story of Yeshua’s birth, childhood, life and death? _________________
4. What are the names of these four books?
5. What four things does water symbolize in baptism?
6. The word synagogue is Greek for _____________________________________.
Okay, so now we know how this water initiation called Baptism got started.
But what does it mean to ME? Will I really be washed clean and “re-born?”
Your soul is completely purified during baptism, your personality rinsed clean. What gets washed away—the junk and negativity, the crap built up from a lifetime of not paying enough attention to your spiritual side. Like most people if you ignore your God-spark within and feed only your body and your mind you end up with a load of junk that needs to be cleaned up.
During the rite of baptism the physical act of contacting special water and oil passes into the unseen realm and has an affect there. Saying the words, stilling your mind, embracing the water and the sanctified oil causes something to happen in both worlds, the seen and unseen. The body, mind and personality get cleansed and reveal the soul in its pure form. The soul gets all clouded over and obscure after years of negativity and inattention. Suddenly the god-spark within you is revealed, in focus, like that of an infant just born, starting out with no record, a blank white page. This is where the concept of being born again comes from.
If you wonder what it will feel like to you, imagine how it would feel to have your credit record completely erased, all your debts gone. Relief and joy at a the thought of a “new” future, right? It’s true that others will still hold you accountable for past actions, and if you have any enemies, they could care less about your renewed soul and clean heart. But the members of the Godhead and their Angels all know that after water-baptism you are starting over fresh, that such an initiation marks you for a special destiny in service to humankind-they can see the mark made by the oil of chrism. You will know it, too.
A word about “sin.”
Keep in mind that “junk and negativity” is just that. It is not a “flaw” or an evil black mark on your soul. Only you and God know how many mistakes you’ve made or how many people you may have hurt or wronged. You may or may not have this extra load of mistakes, but it’s guaranteed that you have at least SOME junk that needs to be washed away. So don’t feel like a “dirty sinner,” but do realize that we all, this author included, build up loads of junk and negative crap that needs to be gotten rid of.
That’s the cool thing about the Godhead—they have no problem wiping out your record. Once you tell at least one of them that you admit you’ve made mistakes and promise to try your hardest not to make the same ones over again, they give you another chance. And if you screw that second chance up, they’ll give you another chance and another. As long as you are truly upset with yourself when you screw up, and commit to at least attempt to avoid repeating whatever it was, the Divine Godhead will always let you start over. (We’re talking “forgiveness” here). They have been born among us, remember? They know how hard it is to live in this crazy, distracting world. Yeshua and Mary Magdala know the world seems like a big trap set to catch us sinning. Sometimes it seems like everything, everyone and every institution around us is trying to trip us up. Yeshua had to prove he knew what it was like to be one of us—that’s why he agreed to be born of a woman, grow up and go thru life like a regular person. It was only after he had faced the world and its alluring traps (wine, sexual irresponsibility, drugs and power-kicks, he faced them all, and the Devil himself) did Yeshua feel like he was ready to start teaching others. He was 30 years old by that time, and the first thing he did was go to his cousin, John the Baptiser, and say, “baptize me like everyone else.”
John Baptizes Yeshua, note the Dove |
Everybody knows the story of Yeshua’s baptism. It happened at the Jordan River and just after Yeshua came up out of the water, the Dove appeared in the sky overhead. The Dove represented the presence of God-the-Mother, the Goddess. God-the-Father also showed up for Yeshua’s baptism, but no one could see him. This invisibleness is in keeping with biblical and kabbalah tradition which says that Yahweh El Elyon (God-the-Father) is an invisible god and no one knows what he looks like. Remember Moses looking at the Burning Bush, and you may have read about the Merkabah Riders dedicating their lives to climbing thru the Seven Heavens just to see God’s face. So you couldn’t see him, but his voice was heard that day. A loud male voice came from the sky and said, “This is my son. I love him and I am pleased with him.” |
It is interesting to note that the dove has long been a symbol of female gods, male gods usually being represented by hawks or eagles. The appearance of that dove is yet another hint of proof that the ancient people believed the Holy Spirit was a female being. She is our God-the-Mother. This would make sense because it is more balanced than a lop-sided male-gods-only religion. It also makes Yeshua’s baptism a balanced event. Both his heavenly parents showed up to endorse him. They were making it clear to any that cared to notice that they approved of Yeshua’s upcoming mission.
One more thing about “sin.” This three letter word is actually an old Hebrew word for “missing the bulls-eye.” To sin in archery meant you missed the target. The word sin was originally an archery term. Ancient people were always fighting battles and protecting their land, so archery was taught to all boys. The word sin was used to mean mistakes.
Initiate Papillon pointed out the Latin word “sin” means “without” or “absent.” Papillon writes: I’ve always thought about sin from that perspective as in choosing to go it alone, without God. We truly cannot hit the target on our own. Sin is not “bad” … it is counterproductive. When we choose not to sin, it is the same as choosing to walk with God, which enables us to hit our target.
Initiate Delilah Ra adds: [This isn’t to imply] we can’t “hit the target” without God standing behind us, drawing the bow and aiming for us. We need our Father to help us learn how to shoot, but at some point we grow up and become independent of our Parents. It is our goal to become the grown-up children of God. In other words, to become Gods [the doctrine of theosis, taught in later lessons]. Just like a human child grows up to be a human. I do not wish to become … some kind of Glorified (yet still the same little helpless) lamb of God too stupid and weak to accomplish anything without the help of my Father. I am not some kind of retard. I want to learn how to grow up and do things for myself. Is this not what Yeshua tried so hard to tell everyone? The Way is supposed to be a road or path, but not a cattle chute. I believe God is just like any good parent. They will always be there to help us when we fall, but what they really want is to watch us learn to start letting go so we can fly on our own.
Only in later centuries did the church authorities erroneously use the word “sin” to imply dark blotches on someone’s soul. Of course, the Old Testament doesn’t help with this sin and guilt-trip problem. Parts of the Hebrew Scriptures seem to obsess about sins and the punishment God would mete out. This irrationally angry and vindictive side of god was no doubt created by the priests and teachers (the authorities) of the time in order to control the followers, ensuring compliant behavior. Luckily the entire Old Testament does not paint God as a mean-ass. Some books, such as Psalms, show what a great guy he was, and still is. It is only when the people turned away from God and forgot all about how he helped them and protected them that we see him get ticked off. And even then, he says, “man, I still love you guys, you’re my favorite people, but you gotta stop screwing up!”
The soul revealed via baptism gets a direct line to the godhead.
Even today, in the oldest Christian Churches, such as Eastern Orthodox and Catholic, after an adult or child of a cognizant age is baptized the priests will ask him or her to pray for everyone. Church members who come to watch the baptism will walk up to the newly-baptized who are still dripping wet standing there in their white gowns and say, “pray for me,” or “pray for my family.” This is because the prayers of the pure, newly baptized souls are said to be very powerful. They get God’s attention easier. Keep that in mind just after your baptism. Your prayers will be power-packed for at good month at least, and super-charged for the first 24 hours. You can keep that pure connection going even longer than a month by constantly keeping an eye on your mind. Don’t let it get cluttered and full of negativity. Keep ego-less and positive thoughts going on in there as much as humanly possible. When the old junk comes up again, be quick to kick it out. Say, “I will not go over those old hurts and wounds. Get out of my head you negative thoughts!” Say it every time they come back. Be alert, be stern, be hard-nosed and your heart-mind will remain a clean and open place where you can build a temple of your own, a special place to go and hang out with God and his family-YOUR divine family.
Please copy and paste the following questions and exercises onto your Catechumen Lesson “Discussion” on your Ning MemberFiles page. Next, insert your answers, then to submit your answers click on the “Add Reply” button.
Cat5 Quiz B Answers from _____________ (your spiritual name)
1. What kind of thoughts do you need to keep from taking over your mind? ______________________________
2. Most people feed only their _____________and their ____________ and end up ignoring their spiritual side, the God-Spark inside each of us.
3. Sin comes from an ancient Hebrew word which means ____________________
4. What is the significance of the bird that appeared at Yeshua’s baptism?
5. How old was Jesus when he was finally baptized? __________.
How exactly does baptism mark me for the Godhead?
Who exactly are the members of the Godhead that I am aligning myself
You are marked as one of God’s own during baptism. The “marking” is done by the oil and the speaking of the words, “In the name of the Father, Mother, Son and Spirit.”
Words have power, you may recall that God used words to create this planet. When the “magic words” are said at your baptism (either by you or someone who is helping you) you will be marked as belonging to God the Father, Mother Son and Holy Spirit. You won’t belong to any other gods, nor to any demons, nor to the Evil One. You will become one of God’s own. And God takes care of his own. We’re family, he says.
What three beings do exoteric churches ALWAYS invoke during a baptism? Answer: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Many scholars now admit the Holy Spirit is a female being, a “God the Mother.” The original word for Holy Spirit is Pneuma, a Greek word meaning Spirit. This word was given a feminine ending, (-a) showing that the early Church believed the Holy Spirit was a Female Presence, a Feminine member of the Trinity. She was often said to be the Shekina or Sophia, that mysterious goddess of wisdom worshiped by Solomon and the Knights Templar among others, who shows up in the Hebrew Bible as God’s “spouse” and in the New Testament world as a Gnostic Daughter of God who became Earth’s God-the-Mother when she left the all-Father to come create the Earth. Having a God-the-Mother makes sense because God shouldn’t be portrayed as a single-parent or an irascible old bachelor unfamiliar with the ways of women. Jesus was not from a “broken home.” He had two earthly parents, Mary and Joseph, and he had a heavenly father and a heavenly mother. Many ministers and Bible scholars have come to recognize this, although most are still afraid to admit that Christians worship a “goddess.” To the exoteric (mainstream) church, all three of the Christian Gods are males (Father, Son and Spirit). The Holy Daughter of Zion, also called the Bride of the Lamb, the Goddess in the Gospels, doesn’t even make the Godhead. She is veiled so heavily that she only comes into visibility in the esoteric church and the higher mysteries. Instead of a Trinity, there is a Quaternity. The Daughter is the maiden aspect of the feminine divine, just as Yeshua is the bridegroom young a virile aspect as opposed to a white-bearded God-the-Father figure. The members of the wise nurturing generation are given parent titles, and the second generation are the active principals that actually come among us, take the flesh, and make things happen.
Because of their obscurity, the two females in the Godhead often get confused. Perhaps the “comforter” — the Pneuma sent by Yeshua when he went back to his heavenly father for awhile, was the Daughter, his Bride. The Holy Spirit would then be the daughter figure, not the God-the-Mother persona. Then there is Sophia, always called the Bride of God and the Bride of Kings (such as Solomon). In ancient scripture Sophia is never portrayed as matronly but always as a young and beautiful woman. |
However, in the middle ages, Eastern Orthodox Church art began to show her as a mother “saint” with three daughters, Faith, Hope and Love. Notice Faith is the smallest daughter because you only need a little, and Love is the largest daughter because “the greatest of these is Love.”
In the greatest mysteries of the Knights Templar, Sophia is revered as a “woman of silver and gold,” and her bust — a young woman’s head — appears in the ruins of Templar churches. This worshipping of heads has long puzzled historians but the initiated know the head means wisdom, and a female in silver and gold who represents wisdom can refer to only one entity—Sophia. Solomon “married” her so she is called the Bride of Kings. When God asked him what he wanted, he turned down riches and asked for “the hand of Sophia in marriage.” See the Song of Solomon, Ecclesiastes and Psalms for more information on that intriguing love affair. The Knights Templar had a secret women’s branch, the Ladies Templar, called the Daughters of Tsion (Zion). Sophia was called the Daughter of Tsion in the Hebrew Bible. The Bible is very enigmatic about this Daughter of Tsion character. Margaret Starbird and other scholars equate her to Mary Magdalene, believing the latter to be an incarnation of Sophia. That would make the three lovely daughters pictured at left Magdalene and Yeshua’s daughters. What did the Templars uncover after those nine years of digging in the ruins of Solomon’s Temple? In all our Mystery School Orders, especially the Order of Mary Magdala and the Templar Orders, we share these occult secrets with Initiates.
Why did Yeshua have to be baptized, wasn’t he already
Yeshua was a member of God’s family, too. He had taken the flesh and gone thru life as a mundane person, growing up, getting in trouble with his parents from time to time, pondering about life, feeling frightened perhaps of his destiny, etc. He had to get wet in the waters of life so that we would be brave enough to do the same. By getting initiated like everyone else he showed how important water baptism is. He also showed he was one of us. Later during his teaching years he told his students, “every thing I do, miracles and all, you can do, too.” Yeshua was an extremely unique kinda guy who somehow did not have a cocky attitude. He cut thru the crap and got right to the point, which was ENDING SUFFERING. Otherwise known as helping people. He made the sufferers feel better about themselves, their miserable lives and their future. You will be doing the same thing. You won’t drag others down, but will perfect the art of lifting up, giving pep talks or a few sparse words of encouragement. Get rid of all argumentive thoughts. This doesn’t mean let abusive people walk all over you, but it does mean to insist your own attitude be positive and cheerful, yes CHEERFUL, even in your life!
In order to see how far along on the spiritual path someone is, the master looks at how that person handles the everyday things in life, how cheerful they are, do they get aggravated easily. How spiritually evolved are you-just look at your everyday interactions with people and how you deal with the little unpleasantries of life. Do you snap when asked a question, do you get bored with listening to peoples’ problems, do you automatically want to put a stop to suffering when you see it? Or do you think, they must deserve that or I don’t have time to help them right now, must keep moving, what’s the use of helping one, I can’t help them all…
Precious Nielsen, Shamaness and one-time Mystery School member wrote:
Spiritual evolution seems to be most apparent in the attitudes by
which a person lives their daily lives. The ability to seek to find joy shows
that a person is consciously keeping negativity at bay. The desire to spread
joy shows that a person has positive intent. No matter how highly evolved
a person becomes spiritually these two things, seeking and spreading
joy, are the foundation. And the foundation takes most evolution
and effort.
Selfless service. Not only to the poor. In some ways the simple state
of finding joy and incorporating it into one’s life is the greatest service
because it blocks negativity, however real service can only come after that
state of joyfulness is achieved and maintained.
There will always be someone that we can’t “fix” or “heal” because
it is not for us to do in every case. The serving is in the WILLINGNESS to
facilitate healing and the relief of suffering in whatever form that is
manifesting, when and where it is needed, asked for or desired. Sometimes
it may not be easy and may leave us tired. If we are willing anyway
we will find that the tired feeling, or the dread, or the lack of enthusiasm
we may feel at first is really a result of the negative energy causing the
suffering as well as the built up negative energy and indeed (!!!) if we
move thru that (not around it or past it but right straight thru it) we will
find ourselves “miraculously” unburdened by anything that made us hesitate
to begin with. With time a person will find that they barely even acknowledge
the fleeting thoughts that might make them inclined to ignore, postpone or
get irritated with a healing-need that passes their way. Many of you
who are already healers may know that almost euphoric feeling of being immune
to the negativity of that which or that whom you are helping.
Another important sign I look for is the ability to LEAVE. heh heh.
Quite often I have seen someone who is so loving, so willing, so able to
serve and relieve suffering that long after they have done what was needed
they were still hanging on to the healed person or situation. They
stay when no more service is needed. I don’t know if the inclination
to stick around and monitor is there to feed the ego a bit or whether the
ego was perhaps subconsciously fed at the time of service and is sort of
lounging in it like basking in the sun. I have even known cults to develop
this way. I know there are mixed opinions on this concept of it being
dangerous to overstay one’s need, but it has been my experience
* * * * * * * * * *
Yes, life can be depressing and sometimes it seems like a no-win job to try and fix things, but Yeshua and the Magdala will show you the Way. In fact the Godhead is working in your life, showing you the Way this very minute. You wouldn’t be reading this if you weren’t supposed to be right here, right now… |
“Many are called, few are chosen” is something Yeshua said more than once in the New Testament. You have answered the call, and are become one of the chosen few. But don’t feel flattered and don’t feel offended, because both are sentiments of the ego. Your true self, the God-Self within, doesn’t know what flattery or taking offense is, it is incapable of such feelings. You are detached, sublime and transcendent (above) while also living within the world. You are in the world, but not of it.
Please copy and paste the following questions and exercises onto your Catechumen Lesson “Discussion” on your Ning MemberFiles page. Next, insert your answers, then to submit your answers click on the “Add Reply” button.
Catechumen Five Quiz C
1. Who are the four Beings you will be dedicated to during baptism?
2. What was Yeshua’s primary goal during his last earthly taking of the flesh?
3. How can you tell if someone is spiritually evolving?
news article and view the photos of a baptism initiation cave probably used by John the Baptiser and perhaps visited by Yeshua himself.
Fishes, Insects, Animals from the Secret Teachings of All Ages about the secret meaning of the fish symbol, a symbol used in the upcoming initiation.
“I will never fail thee” is the title of this modern Christian painting depicting someone about to be baptised. Below is the caption that comes with the painting, which implies that baptism is a re-birth and we come from the Father (or Jesus) into human life. See my re-wordings
in red. I attempted with my tweakings to imply that we come from both heavenly Parents. You can “mark up” any prayer or even Bible verse (shhh! heresy!) like this…
As He/They surround/s you with
His/Their loving embrace
t/he/y remind/s
you of the time before your birth.
T/He/y held
you gently, whispering loving words of assurance,
“I/We will not forget thee, nor forsake
We/I will not fail thee . . . “
And then you were born.
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Click Here.
(After making the Pledge, you will be sent the Baptism Self-Initiation Ritual)