SEAL & BINDING to the Order
Now Master-to-be, you will be bound by your oath to the Order. Thisis called the Binding. Then you will receive the SEAL. It will comenot from a Templar officer, but from the Holy One himself.
Binding: If you are willing, do speak thou the following Oath — anactual Templar oath of entrance (as found in the archives of the Abbeyof Alcobaza, in Aragon, Spain)
“I swear to consecrate my words, my arms, my strength, and my life to the defense of the mysteries of the faith, and defense of the unity of God. I also promise to be submissive and obedient to the Grand Master of the Order. Whenever it is needful, I will cross the seas to fight, I will give help against all infidel kings and princes: and in the presence of three enemies I will not fly but fight.”
“I will keep the teachings of the Order of the New Knights Templar secret so help me God, in the long tradition of our Order — may my throat be cut to silence me if I am forsworn.” [Hold your hand in a salute, but salute your throat, not your forehead]
ReceivingGod’s Mark (see Archdiakon lessonif you feel you need to).
Recalling the sensing of God’s mark on you and the study of the Triple Tauarticle, now feel God’s eye fix upon you for a moment. His attentionis intense. A light comes from both his eyes at once, joining into a singleray and shoots forth like a laser straight for you. You worry it willsear right thru you, but no, you are in the presence of the All-Maker andare not afraid, only blissful. The divine beam laserlike hits yourforehead and etches an almighty signature” there. Feel the Tau symbol,the six sided hexagon cube sign being etched invisibly on you. Nowsuddenly it jumps to your right hand and you feel that eternal MARK, theholy SEAL of God, being etched there, too…
Sacred Cord [Take your 2nd degree cord off and lay it on the altar,then take up your Master of the Temple’s sacred geometer’s cord with bothhands, make the sign of the cross with it in the air in front of you, thenplace around your neck] Feel your Daughter of Tsion partner place your cordaround your neck as though it were a sacred covenant of marriage (like placinga wedding ring) between you and the Divine One.
Certificate of Knighthood. You have earned it now, as a Masterof the Temple. Clasp your hands together, then fall on both knees andbow your head. Listen. Do you hear your name being spoken bythe Grandmaster — or is there a new name you are being “dubbed” with? Ifyou hear a new name, BE SURE to write it down and tell us in your initiationreport! It will go on your certificate of knighthood, a legal documentthat only our 3rd Degree Templars are sent.
Receive Hand-SIGNS: 1. Hold your hand in a salute, butsalute your throat, not your forehead. This sign recalls your vow of secrecy.
2. Point your right index finger to the sky making a capital L withyour thumb and upraised finger. See how your three fingers point downto the earth in a gentle way. Those fingers are the goddess, Mother,Lady Earth, Sophia. She is always with us. Your finger pointsto God-the-Father, the Creator who is often symbolized by the sky and thesun and the heavens.
Receive Pass-WORD: Hear the Password whispered into your ear,and you will be a Master of the Temple: praxis
Contemplate these Battle Cries: Deus vult! (Means: Godwills it!)
N.S. Gill of writes: The Classical Latin is Deus vult, notDeus volt, or Deus Lo Volt, from the irregular Latin verb volo, velle, volui.Deus Lo Volt is a corruption of this. In The Decline and Fall of the RomanEmpire, Chapter LVIII: The First Crusade, Edward Gibbon explains this corruption:
Deus vult, Deus vult! was the pure acclamation of the clergy who understoodLatin…. By the illiterate laity, who spoke the Provincial or Limousin idiom,it was corrupted to Deus lo volt, or Diex el volt.
* * * * *
And now we ask you to contemplate the oft used battlecry of theTemplars, Be glorious! “Beausant” the name of our banner canbe translated roughly to mean, “Be glorious!” so this battlecry is especiallyimportant. It can be brought to mind silently just by seeing the Order’sblack and white banner, or it can be shouted by all the troops in unisonat the first clash of battle.
“…[the Templar initiate] then vowed…to follow the usage and custom of the house; and to help to conquer the holy Land. After this he was formally admitted to the order, and the white mantel was placed on his shoulders. The brother-priest then spoke Psalm 133:” – Noel Currer-Briggs, The Shroud and the Grail – A Modern Quest for the True Grail
Like your Templar brothers and sisters of old, please speak Psalm 133– a song of Ascents by King David, father of our first Grandmaster, KingSolomon
How good it is, how pleasant, where the people dwell asone! Ecce quam bonum et quam jocundum habitare fratres in unum.
LATIN: “Ecce quam bonum et quam jocundum habitare fratres in unum”- “Eh-kay quom bo-num ett quom yo-coon-doom hob-eet-ah-ray frot-rays eenoo-noom.”
How good it is, how pleasant, where the people dwell as one!
Like precious ointment on the head, running down upon the beard, Upon thebeard of Aaron, upon the collar of his robe.
Like dew of Hermon coming down upon the mountains of Zion. There the LORDhas lavished blessings, life for evermore!
Hail Master of the Temple!
Hear the Chaplain of our Order reading you Psalm 132
Let us enter God’s dwelling; let us worship at God’s footstool. Arise, LORD,come to your resting place, you and your majestic ark. Your priests willbe clothed with justice; your faithful will shout for joy. For the sake ofDavid your servant, do not reject your anointed. The LORD swore an oath toDavid, a pledge never to be broken: Your own offspring I will set upon yourthrone. If your sons observe my covenant, the laws I shall teach them, Theirsons, in turn, shall sit forever on your throne. Yes, the LORD has chosenZion, desired it for a dwelling: This is my resting place forever; here Iwill dwell, for I desire it. I will bless Zion with meat; its poor I willfill with bread. I will clothe its priests with blessing; its faithful shallshout for joy. There I will make a horn sprout for David’s line; I will seta lamp for my anointed. His foes I will clothe with shame, but on him mycrown shall gleam.
“Let us enter God’s dwelling; let us worship at God’s footstool.
Arise, LORD, come to your resting place, you and your majestic ark. Yourpriests will be clothed with justice; your faithful will shout for joy. Forthe sake of David your servant, do not reject your anointed.
The LORD swore an oath to David, a pledge never to be broken: Your own offspringI will set upon your throne. If your sons observe my covenant, the laws Ishall teach them, Their sons, in turn, shall sit forever on your throne.
Yes, the LORD has chosen Zion, desired it for a dwelling: This is my restingplace forever; here I will dwell, for I desire it. I will bless Zion withmeat; its poor I will fill with bread. I will clothe its priests with blessing;its faithful shall shout for joy. There I will make a horn sprout for David’sline; I will set a lamp for my anointed. His foes I will clothe with shame,but on him my crown shall gleam.”
In times past, the initiated one would now sit with the Master of theirPreceptory (or the Grandmaster in some cases) and learn 3rd degree secretsof Templarism, and very importantly, learn their new duties as a Master ofthe Temple.
Enter The Preceptory
We no longer call the next place you will go a “study hall”. It is the Preceptoryitself you now work in. A place where you will labor as a Templar in thismodern world. This work is not easy, few have the moral stamina to make itthis far pas the “fad” of being a Templar, past the political uncorrectnessof taking sides against a very real enemy. Our current political climatein the modern western countries of the world is a mess of worldviews. People deny there is a clash of civilizations between Islam and theWest. SMONKT sees their violent actions as a resurgence of our oldhistorical enemy, the Moslems, the Moors, those bent on remaking Europe (andnow the USA, too) into their vassal, their kingdom under a muslim dictatordespot so-called “prince” or imam.
Enter the Preceptory using your new password andyour regular Templar user name