Templar “Crusader” Surcoat available
for $39 at museumreplicas.com
Go to Search and type in Crusader Surcoat.
Female Templar from Historical Painting
Templar Archer (Crossbowman)


Knightress “BloodRedSisterRose” by Boris Vallejo
Ottomon Lady, Daughters of
Tsion may have appeared thus
but with a green cloak instead
of a green jacket
Templar Axeman

Another possible Daughter of Tsion look

Knightress in a Chainmail bikini? Sheesh! Well, girls, y’know. Unlike our physical bodies, we can design our spiritual body and attire as we choose.  Talk about distracting the enemy… hee hee

Part One:  Read the article “The Garments of a Templar Knight” – A look at the wardrobe of the Templars.

Part Two:  Nightly Spirit-Gathering at the Mount Tsion Preceptory in Jerusalem.

Male Combatants, soon-to-be Knights of the Temple:  Right now you male combatants are technically “sergeants,” and you female combatants are “lady-sergeants.”  Until you are actually dubbed a knight / knightress at the end of this postulant phase, you should picture yourself as one of the sergeants described in the article above. Start visualizing yourself. How do you “look” when you travel astrally to do spiritual battle, to meet with your fellow Templars and the Daughters of Tsion?

Daughters of Tsion: you must create a picture of yourself, too. This is not easy, being cloaked in mystery as you are and historically were. What kinds of clothing might a Daughter of Tsion wear when she goes to “work” astrally or physically? Hint. Did you see the section in the article regarding the “clerics”?  They wore green cloaks (also called mantles) and white gloves. These “clerics” are the female Daughters of Tsion, though publicly and on paper, they were known as an exclusively male clergy.

Clerics of Tsion: For you non-combatant males who are members of the Daughters of Tsion, the Cleric section in the reading assignment is a description of you.  You are also called a Templar Cleric.

Daughters and Clerics:  be sure to take note of the garments worn by the fighting knights, sergeants and male clerics, for you will be blessing, infusing and (if willing and able) helping to sew them.

Nightly Gathering at the Mount Tsion Preceptory 

Each night we all, combatants and non-combatants, meet at the Mount Tsion Preceptory, an ancient Templar headquarters building (still standing, now a hotel) on a hill next to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.  That hill is Mount Tsion.  Everyone can not make it every single night, so don’t worry if you can’t commit to such a nightly exercise, but you must come when you can.  We are a working order, and you should participate as much as you can right from the start, even if it’s only meditating each night on Mount Tsion and the Temple Mount and picturing yourself “showing up” there to simply watch. First we spiritually (astrally) gather at the Mount Tsion Preceptory, then the combatants–knights, sergeants, knightresses, lady-sergeants–go to the actual Temple Mount, while the non-combatants–ladies and clerics –stay on Mount Tsion.

The knights are slowly shoring up our power base there at the site of the ancient Temple of Solomon. They are restoring it, building it to its former glory and strength as well as restoring our connections to this Source and Force. It has been greatly damaged since the Templars lost control of the Temple Mount a thousand years ago.  The site of the Temple has been under Muslim control ever since, but the ancient magik and power from the Source are still there. We work to activate it, charge up our weapons with it, connect with it.  The Daughters of Tsion and Clerics of Tsion sometimes go to the Temple Mount, too, but only if conditions are safe.  There are unpleasant elements there that wish to stop our work, so combatants usually go while non-combatants go into battle meditation mode to back them up from Mount Tsion.  Mount Tsion has ancient protections and shields around it from Old Testament days, which make it safe for the non-combatants to work from there.

Attention Combatants:  Read carefully the section describing the appearance of the white Knights, for very soon you must visualize yourself looking like that.

Notice the signet ring at the bottom.  This is something our Knights (and Ladies) wear when they are initiated into the 2nd Degree.  So two initiations from now and you’ll have to scrape up $125 !   No, you don’t have to purchase one, but it is certainly something you are allowed to wear either astrally or physically after you enter the Second Degree of Templarism.

Cut and paste these questions and send answers to the Mystery School with “Templar Postulant 8” in the subject line.

1.  Who always wore white gloves? (perhaps a foreshadowing of masonic tradition, since they wear white gloves, too).

2.  Who were the sergeants?

3.  Where is Mount Tsion, and how close is it to the Temple Mount?  Why is these twin mountains (hills) significant to modern Templars such as ourselves?  Please note that El Shaddai means, “Lord of the Twin Peaks” or “Twin Mounds.”  Shaddai is a Hebrew plural word meaning mounts, mounds or peaks.

4.  Please try to describe yourself.  If you have a partner, describe them too.  Write at least one page (250 words). If you are having trouble visualizing,  and thus trouble describing yourself, then rattle on about what you might be thinking or feeling, what your goals might be. But write at least a page (250 words).  Yes, you are playing “pretend” and it’s okay.  THIS is for a worthy cause…the cause of the Cosmic Krist and the Sophia, his Spouse, the Godhead, his divine parents.

* * * * * * * * * *

And now some members’ descriptions of themselves…

Who am I? I am a Daughter of Tsion. When I began to picture myself as a working DoT, I first imagined myself wearing a long dark colored dress. I would have a green cloak with a hood; my long reddish brown hair would be wound tight and piled on my head. My fingers would be gently covered with white gloves, and a delicate rosary would be in my grip. My eyes would be closed as I whispered prayers gently under my breath. I would feel safe and protected as I chanted prayers of protection for my Knight.

What did I find when I actually *GOT* there! HA. I’m tall, and dressed in pants. I am wearing a green cloak, my hood, once pulled up to hide my face, has fallen around my shoulders. My dark brown hair is no longer in its braid, but hanging loose and tangled down my back. I’m holding the reins of a great black warhorse. I lost my gloves when I took them off to console this anxious and wild-eyed beast. I don’t know who he belongs to. I don’t let myself feel fear at this moment, but instead try to make myself stay focused. I am not sure how I got here amid all this smoke and darkness. I seem to have soot on a good portion of myself, and I notice that the horse is covered in gray ash.

This isn’t the dainty job I thought it would be. — Lady Deanna, DoT

Ava, the Female Templar, a figurine available on line like this or in pewter, do a search for “Ava, the Female Templar”. Scroll down to see a full color photo of her from 3 angles.

You can order this tunic from whitepavilion.com/men.htm

Members can wear this ring after the second Templar initiation. Available from http://www.noblecollection.com



Members may purchase after the FIRST Templar initiation. Available from:



Here is one member’s description of himself…

As a Cleric, I would certainly be attired in white gloves and a green mantle with the red cross on it. This is a very interesting color scheme. My intuition tells me that the white gloves denote purity. They symbolize the monastic call to chastity and cleanness of heart/soul. The green mantle suggests something earthier–perhaps representing human nature, or a connection to nature. Also,isn’t it interesting that the Magdala’s color was usually depicted as green in works of art from the period of the original Templars and in later periods?As the Knights were devoted to MM–and, according to some authors, were the defenders/supporters of her progeny–it makes sense that the clerics of theOrder, those most concerned with spiritual and ritual matters, would be decked out in the Bride’s sacred color. As for the red cross, it seems to me to have numerous significances. It represents the blood of Krist, which was spilled for the world and for which the Templars fought so valiantly. It represents, too, the Holy Fire of the Spirit, that which feeds and nurtures our faith and calls us out into the world as servants of God/dess. Perhaps,it also represented the blood and guts of the Templars, which were spilled by the bucket full (pardon the gratuitous nature of the remark) in the name of Krist across Europe and the Levant. Red is a fighting color, a vibrant and threatening one, which must have made an impression on all those–friend or foe–who saw it. Certainly, the red cross stands out from the green background of the mantle, drawing everyone’s attention to it.

In my dramatic garb, I would certainly be praying for the combatants, askingGod/dess to give them strength, courage, fortitude, and determination to win their battles. I would be asking the Divine to sanctify and assist them.I would also be adding my prayers and meditations to the clash of steel as the battle took place, requesting the assistance of the Heavenly Host as the bloody drama unfolded. Surely, I would also be attending to the injured and dying Templars, offering them absolution and bringing them the Last Rites(Extreme Unction) before they made the journey into Heaven and eternity.The role of the clerics here would be most important. Their support would be appreciated and much-needed by the fighters and their solace and sacraments would be required by those who were not fated to make it out alive. Even while the Knights and Sergeants were busy in physical battle, the clerics(myself) would be busy in spiritual battle, sending psychic assistance to those in need and offering comfort to those about to die.

So, bedecked in my Templar finery, I find myself in a position that is both aggressive and altruistic. On the one hand, I am actively supporting the fighters, praying ceaselessly for their victory and sending the Angels to guide and help them. On the other hand, I am actively seeking out those who are suffering, frightened, scared, wounded, or dying, bringing my healing touch, my chrism, and the Sacraments to them. Even if I show up for the battle in pristine condition, my garments and skin will be covered in blood, mud,dust, and ash before the day is up. The clothes, while richly symbolic, then,are of less importance than my willingness to help, my faith, and my spiritual guidance. Maybe, my vibrant green mantle is there only so that those warriors in need will be able to spot me. If I am doing my job the least bit well,however, I’ll be able to spot them–and come to their aid–first. —Stephen Andrew

And here is a rather amusing Initiate response to the “describe yourself”question…

Okay, I can’t resist. Here’s a couple pictures of the Magdalena comicbook character suited up for combat. I discovered her a little under a year ago in my friend’s comic book shop, and her mythology is actually pretty close to the actual Magdalena’s, AND she’s a Warrior Nun!


For some reason whenever I get suited up for battle this image always comesto mind, although I admit the bare midriff is a bit impractical ;-D
Put a white tunic and breastplate on her, though, and give her a shield,and she’d actually make a pretty good Templar knight. What do you think?Worth a thousand words each?

Oiled Lamp

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