Templar Continuum Lesson 2
A Garden of Eden
Please read Chapter 2, A Garden of Eden, in Templar Continuum. Copy the following questions into an email, insert your answers and send to the Templar Officers with TC 2 from__________ (your Templar name) in the subject line.
1) _________ Minoan feet = ____________ Megalithic yards
2) Why did Crete develop such a complex culture so early in history?
3) T/F : Minoan building techniques and plumbing were ahead of their day.
4) The chief Minoan deity seems to have been a _________________.
5) Were the Minoans much interested in commerce?
6) Things changed in 1450 BC. Why? What happened?
7) What is the relationship between the Cretans and the Philistines?Besides their latter-day connotation?
8) In the Levant: how far inland did Minoan influence spread? Why is this of interest?
Top | Templar Continuum Course |2nd Deg. Templar Study Hall
Questions by Lady Christine
Templar Continuum Lesson 3
The Melting Pot
Please read Chapter 3 in Templar Continuum. Copy the following questions into an email, insert your answers and send to the Templar Officers with TC 3 from__________ (your Templar name) in the subject line.
1. What strip of modern-day volatile Holy land, in the news quite often– supposedly Yasser Arafat will be buried there — held ancient Minoan settlements influenced by Egyptian and local religions?
2. In the time of Yeshua, the region he grew up in and started his ministry — Galilee — was not essentially “Jewish.” Why?
3. What do the authors believe is the meaning of the village-name Migdal? (Most scholars believe this important word, the root of Magdala and Magdalene means “Tower” in ancient Hebrew. But perhaps both meanings can be assigned to this place.)
4. What probably happened to the Philistines? Did King David slaughter them all back around 1000 BC or did something less violent occur which brought about their disappearance as a separate people? (Ironically, the Romans chose the word Palestine as the name of the land of Israel and Judah as a direct insult to the Jews of first century Middle East. Too bad the British revived that word “Palestine” when they got the land from the Turks in the early 1900’s. It is an inaccurate term and there are no such thing as surviving Philistines / Palestinians. They are really Arabs from Egypt and other regions — not descendants of the ancient Phillistines who became extinct around 1000 BC!).
5. The Old Testament is said to be mainly of Babylonian origin. Explain how this happened. (Wow — Babylon is near present-day Baghdad. We go from Palestine to Iraq, both hot-bed regions.)
6. Where is the one place the “conjoining” of God and Goddess could take place? Why does the Goddess now roam the world?
7. What is the one female religious association modern Judaism retains to this day?
8. List a few things that make King Solomon very “un-Jewish” according to modern standards of “Jewishness.”
9. What book of the Old Testament is really a wedding rite full of orgiastic symbolism associated with ancient mystery religions?
10. Who wrote dozens of sermons on this book, and why is that such a big deal?
11. Why do the authors call the Holy Land / Levant an ethnic melting pot? See conclusion of this chapter for summary.
Top | Templar Continuum Course |2nd Deg. Templar Study Hall
Questions by Katia Prioress